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Y/n wiped her lips after hot mafia boss elmo got slobber all over her. Hot mafia boss elmo looekd ay her and said "Good shmoopie now go home and wait for daddy"
Y/n nodded, unable to speak in the oresence of such a hot alpha male thay elmo the hot mafiea boss was. His very precsenceesinse made her want to quiver.
She walked home and luckily her super uncquirky and just like other girsl mom was put of the house. Y/n hayef her unwuirmy mom because she was just like other girsb she wore makeup all the time and listened to basic things like alrinabca genade and talyyor siwft and lana fel rya. She was just like other girls. Y/n only listened to da bois😈🥶💔😡🥶🥵 mucis like "all girls are the same" because all girs are the same and they adont even knwo their place in the precenecenise of an alpha male.
Y/n went into her living room ajd looked at the fireplace in a morunful way because she was a main charvatdd and nti like other girls. She heard a moan and then she went clowsee to tje flire place to take a look and uer face ended up in soemones red suit.
She oulled the person in the red suit down and they hit the floor with a thud. Y/n looked and woshed she had her lorax or her daddy hot mafia boss elmo but it wsd jsut her and so she armed herdslef with bleach and walked out into the livig. Room.
She looked and a little man was waddling around the living room. He had a white beard and a santa suit on.
"Hello snuggluffagus" he greeted and y/n allnost fainted atthe sound of his voice.
"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-who are you???" Y/n asked, compelteteyly overraken eith love
"Im santa, snuggluffagus, dont you know me?? I see you when youre sleeputn and know when youre awake"
He moved closer to y/n and daid "i know when youve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake snuggluffagus"
He gave y/n toitelt whirplools in her esophaugiuous because she wanst like other girs who wee wbaisic and got treir toilet whirlpools in their tummyiss.
Y/n theriw herslef on santa and kisses him poasisonabtlatey, their tunoungues fighting for sdomdinanance even though snata was the aplha male and y/n was a little kitten/shmoopie/snuggluffagus.
All of a sufden they heard voices. "Kitten! Where are you my sweet little kitten?"
"No shes my shmoopie!!!! Shmoopie where are you shmoopie loopie poops?"

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