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Y/n runs away drom Lorax. She needs to go somehwere to be aloe. The quesrion still is in her mind. What if she becomes unquirky ig she got married to Lorax. She still lived him, but how could she love him jf she had ot give up her quirkyness.

She wandneeinerd the styerts to tur and find an answed in the buildings witb neaon sogns. Then ahe came across a gay ngughtclub. "It would be so wuirky for me to go i to the gay club," y/n said.

Sh got in and was amazed at how u quirky it was. The ligths were raninbow abd thre were so many gay people. She made her way to the back of the clib, where tjere was a lounge area. the sound area wasn't very quirky but she eould make it workj. The lighting was prupkle which y/n thought was verh distatsteful. thwere wrere couches and a bar. she ordereed gher vfavorite quirky drink, the Quirky Cocktail but the bar didn't jave ti. "What a sutpud and unqiioruky and just like other bars bar." she saiud.

but she was still thinking of Lorax and wondering if he was thingking of her. she sat on one of the couches. then, she saw two fmailitar people. sHe looked closer and saw that Trump was sitting on one fo the couches with Biden ob his lap, kissing. Trumpo and bidne stopped kissing for a seocnd ad noticed her. "Hello, what's your name?" Biden asked y/n, blushing becuase of his boyfriend Trumps jisses.

"I'm y/n." yn said quirkily. "QAre you guys the real trump and biden? I;m a big fan, but i;m not like the other girls"

"I can see that youre not like the other girles. i/m also not like the other boys. i'm so quriky and different nd not like any other boys, right bidey?" trump asked.

"Thats right Trumpy Wumpy." Biden said and they began kisisng again.

Y/n watched as they kissed, waiting for a chance to tell them her probltmens. "I need some afivce on a super qurikty and not like other gitrls problem." y/n said.

"what's the problem y/n/?" Biden asked, as Turmp carressed his face.

"I wnat to be with someone, hios name is Lorax and he calls me Kitten and he has a vald tummy and he's a gamer soft uwu baby boi. and he wears dove 6 in one shamppoo. he's the pefect man." y/n says.

"thwn wahts the problem girliepop?" trump siad.

"the probelm is, what if i become unqurkiy if i get married to him. what if getting married takes away my unquriktyness. what if i becone my worst enemey................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ the other girls?"

tURMP AND Bidne gasp. "You can't become like the other girls y/n" trump and biden yell at the same time.

"see that;s the problem" y/n says safly. 'i cant be like the toher girls".

"well, if i've learned anything from dating my Trumpy Wumpy, it's that you just need to go dfor it. Jumpbin without kjowing what will happen." Bidnw said.

"Thank you gay ttrump and gay biden. Youve given me clarity. Im basicly a hiippie now. I would start fressing like a vuppie but i prefer my galaxy pri t leggings and mustachce shirts."

Y/n left to go home and yalk to lorax tomororow but then she realized...

Baby effie aways devoured the rejected contasyents of yhe y/nlorette. She had to get to lorax becfore he was devoured and his bones and yeeth spit out by Baby Effie.

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