The waiting room was brimming with people. Some where waiting to get treatment, some where waiting to get diagnosed and then there were people like Ashton, who waited wondering if they were ever going to see their loved one's again. Ashton had never realized how busy hospitals were until he actually spent time there.
A young family were waiting Patiently in the corner. There was a man who looked cross and the woman next to him glared at the boy infront of her
"What is wrong with you? We told you not to climb that tree." She yelled.
The boy held his leg, which by now had doubled in size and tears seeped from his eyes as she spoke. Meanwhile the man and woman were oblivious of their little girl jumping over them and the seats creating havoc for everyone. In front of them was a man, he was about 70. His face seemed boney and his eyes drooped with sadness while tears fell down his cheeks. A younger woman sat next to him faking a smile and rubbing his back"Don't worry dad, you've been preparing for this. She's ready to go." She whispered.
Time after time doctors passed and each time the families looked over in hope that it was or wasn't them. Each time the doctor took someone until it became the old man, younger woman and them. Finally a doctor came over and they preyed it was good news but she went to the older man, her face seemed calm but saddened.
"My name is Dr. Abu, its time." Gently spoke the doctor. Without warning, the man sobbed, the daughter looked at him as if she had never seen him cry before. Then slowly letting tears out herself, she hugged him and led him through the doors in to the wards.
By now the waiting room had filled up again and the doctor ginally came in and called
"mr and Mrs Rivers" Gwendoline launched up as he said
"She out of surgery" the hopeful relief fell upon her face."With some luck she will make a full recovery." He said with a smile on his face, it was as if he enjoyed finally giving some good news even if it was only small.
With that, more patients and families walked in through the door and life carried on as it had always done but Ashton knew that for the old man and his daughter life would never be the same again.
old river oakes
Randomi am just going to wing it at the moment but as the story unfolds i will write a description xxxx