The purpose I serve

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As soon as the river flows gently and clean... enough to give the people water to drink

It's friendly neighborhood forests yet huge enough to be intimidating

giving oxygen to every living thing, with its swaying trees in the wind that refreshes and gives a comforting feeling, Our lungs inhaling all these inexplicable entities that surround upon us

As soon as nations bring peace rather to bring pain and suffering, People kind enough to be compassionate and considering adjusts for children to learn, love, and earn do not let this next generations heart burn

As soon as communities are disciplined enough to ensure greatness, progress in producing agriculture, and develop one's culture

As soon as my ancestors are well pleased that they have passed on their learnings to the next rulers of earth that stand for their people and with their people, That they can finally rest at ease because all that they have built from scratch are in great hands of the people

As soon as everything that surrounds me and grows with me is finally stable, an era of amity, The purpose I serve on this earth has finally come to an end

It is now time this purpose I served to you I shall lend.

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