Magical Girl Concept!

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You MG concept will probably be the first thing you do to start your journey! You can't visualise without knowing what you look like or what attacks you want to use :)

Many how to's go into this but before you start developing your Mg self and/ or your MG team:

You must do research!

This could be the most boring or (in my case) one of the most exiting parts of the Magical girl journey!

You have to decide what MG you would like to be! Do you want to create a complete different MG or do you want to go with a pre existing MG group like Sailor Moon or Precure?

Magical types

While writing this, there has been 3 MG types that most (if not) all Magical Girl's fall under. Hopefully more will join the list soon!

Here is the main 3 types as of now :)

Magician magical girls:

This is the oldest MG's on record. In the beginning, they never transformed until much later on.

The most notably of this type is Minky Momo and Sally the witch.

Magician Magical Girls help others and make others happy with their magic.... that's usually it.... sometimes there is an over-arching problem but isn't as dramatic as Warrior MG problems are. They are more magical than any other magical girl type and are experienced in that field.... however don't ask them to fight physically as their attacks are best for more support and.... they are VERY weak as they spend most of their time practising magic and not fighting monsters.

Next, it is the Idol MG's:

The girls transform to perform on stages! Some can also use their songs to power up other MG's in battle! Giving them energy, heal their wounds or even buffing them up with speed or/ and strength!

Example: Aikatsu! They use the Aikatsu System to transform with cards! Depending which cards you use you get different outfits from different brands and makers! However it is unknown if they can effect other MG's in battle situations.

They don't usually use magic and usually, they don't fight... except one I remember but not the name..... I believe it is about a girl who transforms to become a pop star and fight villains and wants to become a legendary Idol before she dies as she has a tumour in her throat. That's why she has to transform..... very dark for an MG show.....

I'm sorry if I upset people with that....

Finally the MOST well known and most recent MG type:

Warrior MG's

You already know that this type of Magical Girl fight evil to save the world! This is the most popular Mg type as many people want to fight monsters.

The MOST well known out of this category is obviously: Sailor moon!

However, each one requires a LOT of work (even Idol Magical girls). Idols have to train, train, train!! They have to do loads of exercises, learn their dance moves before they are expected on stage, and MANY other things!!

You can also combine types!!

Maho girls Precure combines the magician type with the warrior type! And from the example earlier, many Idol MG's are also apart of the warrior type too!! However, I don't know if there is a magician and idol mix... probably/ already are mixed together because of the healing, boosting energy thing.

Next is research into outfits, weapons, attacks and your MG name!!

This can be a ever changing process... if you let it. Many can't decide on what they want and because of that, don't become MG's : (

I really don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but indecision can lead to worry, thinking that you aren't meant to be a MG and even Quiting!

My advice for this is to lock down at least one of the 4 categories that you definitely want. If you can't decide which one, I HIGHLY recommend the outfit.

The outfit is the main thing many people keep changing though out their journey...


Please don't think that once you made your outfit that's it. The only issue is when you remake your outfit, you have to start from square 1 again and can even be harder to get back to where you were at.

Your subconscious know your outfit and it means when you change it, you will have to re change your subconscious to know and manifest the new outfit.

This may not be an issue at all but still, if you know you change your desired MG outfit every week or so, I recommend researching more into outfits and find/ create the outfit you LOVE and want to wear/ don't want to change.

With attacks and weapons, you can add more if you desire, but outfits... Many MG's only have 1 main which is using most of the time. Make sure your outfit is right for you!

Now onto the names!

I recommend if you aren't good with names, is to use a name generator!! Sailor moon name generator Precure Name Generator Miraculos Name generator Attack generator Anime name generator

These are some examples :)

This is actually the fantasy shift I talked about at the start of the book :) Remember to make sure you have thought of everything in detail! :)

Next time I will go into manifestation techniques!

I hope you have a good evening!

Cure Comet

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