How does manifestation/ law of attraction work?

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Hi everyone!!!

I really wanted to talk about this before we go into the.... Not so positive stuff about magical magicians ( The name I gave for Non binary magical girl/ boys because..... I don't think there's a name yet I believe??? If there is one I will charge it! :))

So... today I want to talk about the many ways people believe manifestation actually works because wow it's very different depending who you talk to.

I'm going to number each one because otherwise it is going to get confusing as there are MANY different ways people believe it works. I'm going to go from the least positive view to... going too far in my opinion.

Here we go!!! :

Manifestation/ law of attraction does not exist

This is an interesting opinion. However, as angel numbers exist and I have experienced so many in one day (over 5 a day) and the same one popping up all the time.

(I will give my examples so it doesn't look like I'm lying :) )

I don't believe that something spiritual isn't going on. There's something called a coincidence but then there's that. (Note some people believe that sharing angel numbers to others gives them the power of the numbers! Meaning they see them too and get the benefits!! I don't know if this is true but try it out for yourself and see if anything happens!! I would love to see your comments on it!!!)

Manifestation/ law of attraction only works for things that already exist

This is an interesting one too! The opinion basically means that something like trying to have healthy and smooth skin can be manifested but wanting magic power cannot become it 'doesn't exist'.

There are a few problems with this one too. One, how do you know something doesn't exist? You have no proof of one way... or the other unless you experienced it. As they haven't experienced it, they can't say it does.. Or doesn't exist!!! It's a double edged sword which slices the person they might be arguing/ debating with but also themselves if the other realises this fact.

It is the same with scientific research/ theories like gravity. Gravity is NOT a fact meaning someone someday may come to debunk gravity!!! Same with the big bang!! So you can't even base it on science because science is meant to be open minded! Doing experiments and coming up with results!

Manifestation/ law of attraction only works within reason

This is kinda the same as the other but it is subject to the person believing it to change the rules on how it works.

This one is just based on belief meaning someone can come and debunk it and without evidence, the person who believes this one may have no way to defend themselves if someone questions them.

4 Manifestation/ law of attraction works as long as you don't hurt anyone

You should NEVER tend to hurt Anyone with manifestation. You shouldn't hurt anyone!!

However, this belief is sadly untrue :( You can hurt people with manifestation/ law of attraction however if you believe that karma exists... you aren't going to have a happy time.

You can manifest good and bad things into your life. I have my own experience to believe this. I'm sure you can manifest no harm if you believe it yourself and stay positive!! But be reminded that Manifestation can work both ways.

5 Manifestation/ law of attraction works if you are doing it for the benefit of others

This is kinda similar to the previous one!

I'm afraid with my experience, manifestation does not have to just be for selfless reasons. I have manifested things in my opinion that have... not benefited anyone to my knowledge and they could be just a coincidence.

6 Manifestation and law of attraction work as long as you work for your goals

I think this is the one I believe in as it is to me the most realistic and positive one too! It's not knocking anything but it's realising you have to put the effort into your dreams otherwise it isn't going to work out.

I want to talk about the last one in my opinion as it's very important which has been going around which to me is Very toxic.

6. You can manifest ANYTHING without putting the effort in.

Yes I do mean ANYTHING in this one. Even FORCING PEOPLE TO LOVE YOU!!!

No joke, people believe that.

If YOU think you can make anyone love you:

I want you to know you are breaching their consent. You are taking away people's consent. If someone you may want to be with says no even though you manifested to be with them: STOP and try to find someone else. Do not pester them, don't keep manifesting you will be with them just stop. That in my opinion, it is stalking.

If you want to manifest being with that special someone that's fine as long as you don't breach the person's consent.

I really dislike this one because it makes people think they are entitled to everything they want.

The second thing is that they claim you can manifest anything without working for it.... I am just confused by this statement and it cannot physically work.

Example: You're trying to manifest going to Spain. You might have the money you might not but one thing is clear you don't want to work for it. So you don't go to work to get the money for the holiday, you don't go online to book the holiday and you don't go and buy the things you need to go on holiday because: that would be working. Okay what if in a miracle you get ALL the things you need in a parcel: the ticket, the clothing, a suitcase if you don't already have one and other important documents and things.

However! You have one obstacle in the way: getting to the airplane before it leaves without you.

Problem is even getting out of bed to get ready FOR the flight would be working towards the manifestation! Getting in the car, taxi, bus or train, going through security, finding your flight number and getting ON the plane requires work!!!

You might as well have the ticket in hand to see the plane leave without you.

You HAVE to work for your manifestation even if it's just a little bit. Make the universe KNOW you want it and you can work for it!

I'm afraid that's really everything about this topic..... Next time I want to go into what really makes a magical girl/ and or glorifying war.

I hope you have an amazing day!!!

Cure Comet :)

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