Is Being A Magical Being/ Magician For You?

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Hi everyone! :)

I have to give a warning about this next few chapters.

I will be delving into the less positive topics of being a magical girl/ being.

However, these are just as; if not, more important than the ones before them :)

I have talked about some of these topics many times before! However, I'm still seeing it and also it has to be put in the 'how to' guide too :)

I will put them all in a list format to make it easier for everyone to read.... Hopefully :)

I want to start with:

The magical girl motives and general purpose.

This links to the last chapter! :) So I want to begin with the main core of magical girls and their wholeness. What makes a magical girl? (Apart from companies making loads of money and merchandise off them)

Even though it's sappy, a magical girl is supposed to be the embodiment of hope, protection and just helping people! Yep as sappy as it gets!

Even puella magic's main message was that there is always hope, even when the situation or the world is bleak!
Sad that many anime after its release like Wonder egg conspiracy and magical girl site didn't understand the message like many others :(. They were only thinking that it was dark for the sake of being dark and for horror.... puella magi is definitely not just that.

Having those qualities are to me very important! Especially being positive against challenging situations. Holding your head up high and persevering!!

However, a problem stems from People not realising or understanding that being a magical being is so MUCH more than just being a person with magic. You need heroic qualities in some way or form.

Being selfish and only thinking about the Magic or the fame or money or thinking you are better than anyone else will make sure you won't be a magical being in my opinion as it's the opposite of their existence.

Especially precure if that is what you're going for. Puella magi is more forgiving but from what I know it might not be.

Life schedule

How many times have I read people who say they are a magical girl saying that it doesn't affect their life is baffling and are probably lying.

You WILL have to make sacrifices for being a magical girl. If you can't (at least at the moment) I recommend that you focus on the things you need to.

If you still want to, even with a busy schedule, I recommend setting up a time in the day to do magical girl activities. This will help with the transition from manifestation to magical girl. However remember that if you are needed you will likely have to break your schedule.

As a magical being or before you are, set a time where you go and scout out the area you live for bad guys/ witches or helping people or helping them without them knowing!

For me, I have a plan that when my parents go to sleep around 9/ 10pm, I will go out for an hour or so to scout out the area and just do some simple things like putting recycling or trash in bins/ in a carrier bag to put in the bin :)

(As apparently it's rude to put rubbish on the floor in people's bins so you have to carry it all the way back home? Very odd culture. If we were more comfortable with it or had more public bins we would have less rubbish on the floor :).) So I stayed up doing magical al drawings/ manifestation to get into the routine! :)

I think something like this would be good not only for you but it will make the community more safer and show your dedication! Even if it's at night when you are a magical being or before! Just planning can be really powerful I think!

You don't know what you're reaction will be in a fight or dangerous situation.

I think Hero Academia really explains it well with Deku. When Bukuro was in danger he instantly threw his backpack to go and help him, however, many people do not have their reaction. Rather they run away, get scared or stay quiet. Letting it happen. Maybe you know what's going to happen, get ready for it all pumped up to do what you want or going to do, but when it happens you just stand/sit there. Doing nothing as it happens. Then cry after it does happen, sad and scared that you didn't do anything about it. I know that feeling.... Which has put me off my journey for a long time.... Until I realised Cure black was the same until the aquarium episode when her brother was in danger. After that episode she got in her leader boots and started acting like a hero.

Of course you can use subliminals and training to get rid of that barrier! However if you can't shake that fear or don't want to put the effort in... It is unlikely you will be able to manifest being a magical girl.

You can still be scared and be a magical being!! However not trying will lead you to failure.

Fighting and war

This will depend on what type of magical girl you want to be!! However if you want to be a warrior, you can't expect not to fight or be involved in likely, a war.

I have talked to someone before who wanted to be a warrior magical girl.... But not fight/ saying that many anime like precure and puella magi are too violent for her and prefers glitter force as it toned down the darkness/ messages.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I have to give you tough love..... We are talking about War. Fighting and War isn't supposed to be pretty. If you think it is then you are glorifying war, that is dangerous. However I will save this rant for another chapter! :)

However! If you can't deal with the fighting or war or anything of the sort, I recommend choosing another magical type like idol or magician! :)

Keeping secrets

As a magical magician you have to stay quiet about it as if many reasons. The biggest one (For precure but can be put in any magical team) is putting people like your friends or family in danger. If you tell them, you are dragging them into the battle if they like it or not. It is tricky and dangerous.

So if you can't keep secrets, maybe train so you don't, wright your secrets in a lockable diary and hide the keys.

However, if you have decided on your your outfit, doing training, subliminals and more to get this far and your family hasn't found out, I think not hiding secrets isn't a problem :)

Summary! :)

Being a magical magician/being isn't easy. You have to make sacrifices, train, research, find the right subliminals if you want to use them, balancing personal, social and work life and keeping secrets and white lying/ saying the truth but not the whole truth.

It's hard work but as long as you stay dedicated, passionate and keep yourself and others safe you can do it!!!

Next time I'll be going into glorifying war, maybe the most important chapter yet.

I hope you have a good evening!!!!

Cure Comet :)

Note: I highly recommend this video on YouTube to know what a magical girl could be like. You can manifest it doesn't happen but it's still important to know and understand.

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