Glorifying War

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Hi everyone! :)

Sadly, We are still on the streak of less positive information about being a magical being. This time it is going to be something that many of you may not want to hear, however it's important to know and understand.

The topic is: Glorifying war/ using magic for selfish purposes.

Before we begin I must stress that I will not sugar coat this topic. Meaning I will be talking about death, blood, violence and maybe even talking about graphic examples. If I did sugar coat the subject, I would be as bad as Call of Duty or other media that do that kind of thing. Continue if you wish.

I want to go into the.... Sort of definition of glorifying war. However many people haven't been able to put a proper definition for it as I guess people know generally what it is but I'll try my best!

Glorifying war is basically making a fight or conflict seem amazing and good! Something to look up towards and imitate when in fact you should do the opposite. That's why conflict is strictly forbidden in school, work and you rarely see it.

I really want to go into what makes me feel like this is an important thing to talk about :)

I first went into the topic after watching RWBY, my older sister and a comment on discord which I may have talked about before.

RWBY goes into glorifying war just before the end of Season 1. I wish not to ruin the story but basically Weiss was the one talking about it while they were at camp. My sister commented on it and I realised that it's actually quite common for young girls/ women men and non-binary to fantasize conflict and war. That's why you see 16 year olds join the army!

Next was the comment on discord I had privately with someone. I will not say their name. However, they were talking about how they didn't like precure because it was too dark and went into serious topics. She preferred Glitter force because they cut all those episodes out and changed darker moments to not be anymore. But she still wanted to become a magical girl and fight monsters.

I didn't argue. Although I wanted to as this is narrow minded and is the definition of Glorifying war.

It's like denial that serious harm could happen to you, others or even your family! Or worse: Death

Before you continue your magical being journey, you have to realise the danger you are putting yourself in and the consequences of your actions in doing so. You are like a soldier in a war, however the ONLY difference is that you have access to magic, but the other side does too.

You will be the first into battle likely because the police and the Army wouldn't get to the attack site on time and very likely won't be able to damage the monster/ bad guy as they have access to magic.

You won't have backup apart from your team members if you have any, if you don't you are all alone which makes you automatically weaker. Human beings have been known to work together since the stone age for a reason, we are better together and not only do you have other peoples experience but you also get things done quicker together than if you were alone. So being alone if that's your plan can be reckless and dangerous.

At the end of the day, being a magical girl/ boy or being is a job. A job that you don't get paid for but very likely a necessary job if evil comes knocking on the door. That's why glorifying war or wanting magic for your own gain won't work and will likely lead to having PTSD if you aren't prepared for it like Cure Black and white were in Futari Wa Precure.

Like they say: With Great power comes great responsibility

Thank you for sticking with this chapter. I know it may sound confusing and I may have worded it wrong but hopefully it will help people realise how dangerous this line of work is dangerous and hopefully go looking into how to keep safe :)

Next time it might be about subliminals, then hopefully stages of manifestation!! Then I'm afraid it will it will be the last chapter most likely unless there is something you want me to cover :) . If anyone wants to go into subliminals more please let me know if I should do a chapter on it! :)

I hope you have a great day!! :)

Cure Comet

Note: I knew this chapter wouldn't be popular, however, it had to be said. It's very important to understand this and why we do it. Otherwise if you become a magical being, not realise the danger and cannot back out.... You would be in a lot of trouble. My job isn't to sugar coat.... But to educate and help people :) I hope you understand why this chapter we important :)

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