Chapter Seven

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Point of View: Akuma
   I walked slowly down the bridge gazing at the shimmering water. The clouds that covered the start sky dissipated allowing the bright moon to shine down upon the flowing water, it all just felt so... smooth. I just kept walking toward the large building on the other side of the bridge listening to the continual tide rock against each other. I make my way over and see the door, I quickly dig in my pocket for the key. I open the door after inserting the key and take a look around the 'new' base, it was a few months back when Gajeel and I had looked into this place from Mr. Yamako. We ended up buying it for the sole reason of it being spacious enough to throw in a small gym, kitchen, a small living room, and four bedrooms. We are only a group of three but if we ever needed to we could take in another person to our little group, but even then that is unlikely. 
   As I open the door I am met with an overpowering aroma of burning cheese. Who let that metalhead in the kitchen?! I make my way into the warehouse, remembering to shut the door behind me. I look up to the ceiling, seeing the high beams helping support the large metal roof.  The main room has a large AC unit at the top of the building, something we all agreed when it hit winter the roar would cause us to freeze our asses off, so it was one of the first additions we added to this glorified shack. While each of the rooms has a separate small unit for what we like, we all made a deal to have them off until it becomes too unbearable. Quite getting sidetracked! Good point, for once.  I jab quickly ignoring the tremendous amount of cursing that Mazoku shouts my way, I make my way to the kitchen. Once I get to the doorless frame I see one of my worse fears, Gajeel cooking. Now I may love Gajeel like a brother but he is such an airhead when it comes to a few things; one being when someone is flirting with him along with taking proper social cues, two being his weird obsession with his pet cat, and three his cooking. Now I'm gonna be honest, I can deal with his hour-long elucidation on why Pantherlilly is the best cat to exist, or when Levy- the other member in our trio- is making blatant flirtatious towards him but it just goes right over his head, but his cooking is something no one can stomach here- not even his fucking cat!- so to see him with an apron with the words "Kiss the Cook" on it just made my brain almost shut off.

"Oh, h-hey K-Kuma, how was t-t-the scouting?" he stammers out. His red eyes tremble as he knows he's been caught. He knows that if I look into his eyes once during his conversation I can tell when he is lying, a nice benefit of my quirk.

"It was fine, but may I ask what you are doing?" I answer his question but immediately go to what he's doing. He tries to smile it off and turns away to keep my eyes off him.

"I'm making a nice meal for 'L-Lilly and I," he says quickly to answer my question. I feel my quirk go off, Lie. 

"So, whose the food for actually?" I ask curiously, I am slightly angered that he lied to me but I am even more curious. He then lets out a very long and slow sigh.

"I'm making food for.............." He starts strong before he mumbles the actual reason. Damn it, just say it normal.   

"Speak up motherfucker," I feel Mazoku come up and take control of my body for a few seconds, I can also tell by the way Gajeel looks at me in fear for a moment. Mazoku, what the fuck was that for!? Oh come on, we both were thinking the same thing for once.

"Uh well, it's for L-levy and me," my slight annoyance disappears quickly and is overtaken by a cheeky grin. As he sees my face contort into a grin his face becomes slowly redder with each passing second.

"So, when did she ask you out?" I say cheekily as his face becomes beet red.

"W-what do you mean w-when did she ask me o-out? I asked h-her," He states loud but shakily. Lies. 

"G, I'm gonna say this the nicest way possible. You don't have the balls,"  I started but as it came closer to the end of my assertion Mazoku bore authority at the end to deliver their two-sense.

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