Chapter Two

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Point of View: Katsuki Bakugou 
   I walk into class minutes before the bell rings, hearing the distance murmurs of the extras I call classmates. I can't even tell their faces apart, they all look and act the same with their pitiful expressions of optimism and blind faith that they'll become the number one hero; they always look the same and they always will, but there is still him. He never wanted to be the number one hero, not for the money or gratitude but for something I don't even understand, and I've known him for years.
   The day started like any other; I had walked into Aldera Junior High with a blank expression that uttered one phrase to the many people with their passing glance; stay away from me. I had never liked the weak's glances, as they only saw me as their best chance to make it in life, they want me to take pity on them and their miserable lives but that's even the point. They had all looked the same but one was different, they understood everything I've done even if they hadn't liked it. 

"Bakugou-Kun!" called from a voice -a rather annoying voice to be exact, as it always seemed too high-pitched for his size- that was lent by the hefty boy at the other end of the hall beside our classroom door.

"What do you want chubs?" I ask as I make my way over to him, his body tenses slightly but then drops back to a less on-edge stance. Must love his nickname, like always. But he stays confident with a new smile plastered on his face.
"Where is Stick-Fingers?" I ask impatiently as we stood there in silence for a few moments. He hesitated for a moment, letting his smile falter as he prepared his rebuttal.

"He and his mom moved, he said it was to get away from the 'issues' they were having at home," he said sadly looking forward towards the door.
"But come on let's go inside and talk more about this and maybe pick on that nerd fanboy," he said quickly with a more chipper attitude. I just nodded along as he opened the door, he held the door open and motioned for me to go inside. I oblige and walk inside, many of these extras just sit with their groups of friends.

   They sit on the desks and stand next to their friends, huddled together like a weak pack of dogs. We make our way over to our desk, we sit next to each other, and it makes it easier to just sit and talk, but during class, he sits in the back right corner of the class next to Fingers or well used to. I am assigned to the middle back section with the damn nerd right behind me. Overall, it sucks to be assigned here and not by Chubs, but we sit prepared to talk with each other.

"So what really happened to him?" I ask quietly Ota, he had always been close to me; him and Kubo ever since about the first year of grade school. His smile that he has plastered on his plump face falters slightly again but he just allows it to drop completely.

"So what I could put together was that his piece of shit father came back in town and started his search again, but his mom wanted the best for them. So what came to her mind was flea the country completely," I lock eyes with Ota, watching every word slip from his mouth. His quiet and easy tone keeping me on edge, Why does he keep coming going after them? I get it, he's his son but she has a restraining order on him. 

 "He shouldn't run from these problems, I would've taken them head-on," I state bluntly. Ota looks frightened by my words but he just stays quiet for the moment.

"You know why he can't do that," Ota's words make me reel back slightly.
Three Years Ago...

"Dad stop please!" yelled Kubo to his father. Kubo's dad had his son's right wrist in his hand, he was gonna drag his son out of school during lunch. The man had towered over his twelve-year-old son; his father was around six foot one, whilst his son was only about five foot one. 

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