Chapter Nine

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Point of View: Izuku Midoriya
   I look across the room to see three different people; Sasaki was brandishing a warm smile toward me, a grey-haired man with cracked lips, and a misty-looking guy. The guy made up of mist is wearing a nice black tuxedo with a red bowtie. His eyes are a cool-looking yellow that also seems to be made up of smoke. The grey-haired man is wearing a pair of skull pajama bottoms with no shirt on, and his skin is tattered and beaten, with many scars littering his back and shoulders. That man keeps facing towards the bar he's sitting at with the tuxedo man behind it, pouring him a glass of chocolate milk.

"Nakota, where is that fucker?" the man asks with a grumble towards Sasaki in an exasperated and weak tone. I look around the room for a clock. I wonder what the time is. And another thing, who are we waiting on, and what's taking them so long?!

"He hasn't responded with any coordinates yet," she yelled at the greyish-blue-haired man showing how annoyed she was getting, but afterward, she looked back at me with a warm smile.

"Um, I hate to interrupt, but who are we waiting for?" I asked, trying to be as unprovocative as possible while Sasaki looked calmly at me with a friendly smile, and the man looked angered at me for even speaking.

"Some fucker-" the man started off saying with an aggressive tone.

"He's the man that found you, a friend of Nakota. So right now, we are waiting on him before we ask you to make any selection on your Future," the mist man says reasonably. I am astonished by how pleasant he is; it is such a stark disparity to his dark look. Okay, that explanation works, but how did he know I was someone she knew? Has he seen her in uniform, maybe? How many times has he, and if he hasn't a ton, how did he recognize mine? Now that I remember did say her friend recognized me in my uniform wearing, so that's possible.


But another question I should have asked was how long I was out. Has my mom stopped by to see me here? Where is here, at some random bar? Wait, how would my mom be contacted? Sasaki doesn't know where I live or have the passcode for my phone. How would she get her?

"MIDO!" Sasaki yells to catch my attention. She looks off-put by something. Was I muttering?
"Yes, Mido, you were muttering; no, we haven't contacted your mom, my friend did recognize your uniform, and you were out for..." she starts strong before she goes into a murmur. She seemed to be hiding something from this whenever she did this. What was she saying?

"What was the last part?" I ask kindly, and she looks down. 

"You were out for three weeks, young Midoriya," the mist man says in an even tone. I feel the world slow down to a grinding halt; everything slowly breaks around me. I've been out for three weeks. Does mom think I'm dead?! I fall backward onto a wall, and an immense pain explodes up my back, but I don't care.

"I know this must be hard for you to take in, but please don't reopen the stitches I applied to you," the misty man says. "Here, take a seat at the bar. I can give you another glass of water."

   I shuffle my way to the bar and plop down next to the pajama man. He looks at me with murderous intent; if I have any guess, it is late by his outfit, but I don't know how late. He also has a high probability of being Sasaki's brother, although they look nothing alike.

"Um, may I ask you your name, sir?" I try to be as courteous as feasible but knowing I woke up from a three-week coma makes it almost impossible.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Kurogiri. The man next to you is Tomura Shigaraki," he motions to the man next to me. 

"I appreciate your hospitality," I say, trying to force a friendly smile, but it falls as quickly as it came. I feel sorry for not being more genuine, but it is hard knowing how long I've been away from home.

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