chp 7

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before this chapter i would just like to put a warning that this chapter may include a little bit of smut. not very much because i'm not too experienced in writing that but enough that you guys get the point of what's going on in the scene. ok have a great day and please enjoy :)

juliet entered the code to her gate and jack pulled up at the front of her house.
"i had such a goodnight juliet thank you for think" jack said blushing and looking shy.

juliet giggled "you know you can come in if you want"
jack practically jumped at the opportunity to spend more time with her.

"woah your house is insane love" jack exclaimed as he walked through the front doors. "you don't architecture like this out in la"
juliet giggled "it's cool right, my dad has a bunch of architecture friends from sweden who designed my place."

juliet and jack sat on the fluffy couch and let themselves sink into it and get comfortable. juliet draped her legs over jacks lap as they sipped on their wine.

"ok so how did you know you wanted to do music?" juliet asked resting her head in her hand.
"hmm well i liked school growing up but i just knew it wasn't for me. music just spoke to me, it gave me a way to express myself in the ways words couldn't. it was really my escape. and then i realized in high school that i could make this a full time thing"

juliet scooted over on to jacks lap and started twirling his curls in her fingers.
"that's so cool, i would hearing about people who just know that they've found their passion and chose to pursue it no matter what."

jack looked up at juliet and their lips connected again. this time much more passionate and intense before. their kissing quickly turned into them frantically removing each others clothes. they were desperate to become closer.
as soon as juliet was naked jack made a point to slowly kiss his way down her body, teasing her.

they spent the night together getting to know each and each others bodies better before they dozed off to sleep in juliets bed.

"hey love i'm home!" tay yelled out as she entered juliets home.
juliet was awoken to the front door slamming. she rubbed her eyes and looked around and realized she was sandwiched between jacks defined arms. she smiled to herself and lightly kissed his lips.

"good morning love" jack said opening his eyes and kissing her forehead.
jack and juliet slowly made their way out of bed . jack went to the bathroom to get ready while juliet just threw on a big tshirt and went down stairs to eat.

"well good morning to you too" tay said and she peaked her head out from around the fridge.
"good morning tay" juliet said as she came behind and squeezed her shoulders before reaching around her to grab something to drink.
juliet hoped up and sat on the island and watched tay dig through the fridge and freezer.

"ok girl you cannot leave me hanging. tell me everything. how was the date? how hot did he look? how big is his-?"
"hey tay" jack said hoping down the stairs interrupting tay.
her eyes went wide realizing how he probably heard everything she said.
jack came over and ruffled tays hair before she slapped his hand away. then he turned to juliet standing between her legs saying, goodbye before kissing her.

tay walked to the front door to make sure he was gone and couldn't hear her this time. juliet heard her yell out of the front door "bye jack, have a great day, get home safe!" before slamming the door and running back into the kitchen.

"bitch you could have told me he was still here!" she yelled hitting juliet on the leg.
juliet jumped off the counter and made her way into the living room, tay following close behind.
"i'm sorry i didn't realize that you would follow up good morning with how big is his dick?" juliet giggled.
"ok ok now tell me absolutely everything"

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