Chapter Four

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They greeted me saying "I'm two-bit Matthews, I'm Johnny Cade, I'm Steve Randle, I'm Darryl Curtis and lastly the boy that got jumped said "I'm Ponyboy Curtis" he said standing his hand out to shake my hand, so I shook his hand and made a small grin at him, the all went walking down the road I glance at ponyboy and Darryl kinda arguing she I look somewhere else then I heard someone talking about a drive in movie theatre I looked ponyboy, Steve and sodapop "can I come" pony said "sorry no kids allowed" Steve said "sorry but we are taking Evie and Sandy" soda said

I going to the movies Dallas said walking towards Johnny and ponyboy
"Kids are allowed and I'm just there watch a movie that's all" he said wrapping his arms around pony and Johnny they were walking ahead and I was walking slowly behind them, as we where all walking we went to go and make a quick stop buy a little restaurant to ourself order drinks, we were done drinking our drinks and went to these old building and saw little kids play a deck of card games I was lost in thoughts until I could her Dallas said "I don't like little kids....I don't like them I just" he pause for quick and moment until I heard him yell "get out of here" I jumped from his yelling then I saw chasing the little kids and then I started to run to try and catch up and they stop chased the three little kids that Dallas got made at

"It's getting dark we should get going" he said walking off we where walking for a little bit then I saw the movie we snuck sneaking under the fence we walking to find a seat until I saw Dallas hop over the bar and found a seat for us I was sitting on my seat and saw two girls sitting in front of us the short hair girl said "are you sure you want to do this" "I can't here to see a movie and I am gonna see a movie" she said kinda mad "I'm freezing" ponyboy said while shivering "why didn't you bring a coat stupid" Dallas said lighting up a cigarette as we sat watching the movie I heard Dallas said "some cute redhead" as he nudge ponyboy.

Ponyboy just look at him then look back at the movie I look at Dallas and saw him went closer to the redhead girl ear and said "are you a real redhead hug" the redhead girl nudge her ear and down onto her shoulders and turn her head to her friend "come on dall" Johnny said
"Are you real" I looked at him annoyed "be quite would you" I said sharply he just look at and put his feet up onto the empty chair and then he fell of his chair we all turn when we heard a thump of Dallas falling on then ground i was silently laughing to make sure that Dallas won't hear me but then I heard ponyboy laughing hard I turn to see redhead girl smiling hard and then turning back to the movie

Dallas got back after he fell he went closer to the redhead girl again and said "how could I found out this your..your..your real red hair" while he was playing with her hair "cut it out dal" Johnny said "if this is the same red hair that you have on right now and these eyebrows too" when he put his finger on her face I could tell the redhead girl was getting annoyed and to be honest I was too then I heard him laughing "cut it out dal" Johnny said turning to him same as pony boy and me I saw him putting his feet on her chair "get your feet off my chair and shut your trap" the girl said "who's gonna make me huh" Dallas said in a tough voice "I'm gonna get a coke" Johnny said "your boyfriend" he said sitting up "leave her alone dal" ponyboy said "get me one" pony said "that boy got outta jail or something" the short hair girl said leaning in telling the redhead girl

"Yeah sure what ever you say honey" he said looking at the girl "you better leave us alone or I'm calling the cops" the redhead said "oh my my you got me scared to death what what am I gonna do now pony huh this girl is making me shake" he said in pretend to be scared voice "would you leave us alone...nice and leave us alone" she said in a annoying tone
"I'm never nice" he said leaning towards her again "can I interest you on buying you a coke or seven up"
"Get lost hood" she said finally yelling at him "sorry I didn't know you had this problem with yelling in my face alright I'll go" he got up and left we where watching the movie

The redhead girl turn to us and said "are you gonna start in on us too" she said looking at us "no" ponyboy said you don't look like the type what your name" she said looking at ponyboy "ponyboy Curtis" that's a original name" the girl said amaze "yeah my dad was a original person...I got a brother name Sodapop and it even says so on his birth certificate" we went silent for a quick moment and I heard the girl said "my name Sherri but my friend call me cherry because my hair" she said smiling "yeah I know we go to the same school..your a cheerleader" "yeah"
She respond "what's a nice boy hanging around with a that trash"

"Dally's my buddy and I'm a greaser to we're all friends" ponyboy said "I'm sorry I didn't know" she said in apology voice "your brother soda he works at the DX gas station, I think right" "yeah that's him" pony said

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