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"guten morgen, emil!" thea and heidi chorused as they entered becker's cafe.

"guten morgen!" the young boy greeted back, a smile on his face. emil was in charge of opening the store today - which thea was incredibly happy about as she was very tired from her late night chat with kai

"you have to tell me everything about that groupchat," heidi demanded as the two girls tied their hair up and put on their aprons.

"ja ja, didi. i will," thea expressed. on mondays, heidi worked at the till in the morning and in the kitchen in the afternoon. thea worked in the opposite roles so everything ran smoothly. emil and two other employees took shifts doing random jobs like in the kitchen and serving.

"tell me a bit now before you start baking!" the blonde pleaded to her friend, taking down the chairs that were turned ontop of the tables.

"fine!" the brunette sighed, giving in, "basically last week after they added me back i started messaging all of them."

"how many are there of them?"

"i don't know. i didn't count. but somewhere between 15 and 20," thea shrugged her shoulders.

"jesus christ that's a lot," heidi mumbled.

"all of the boys told me their names and ages so i told them my name and age in the end and-"

"wait they're all boys?!" heidi half screeched.

"didi stop cutting me off!" thea snapped, annoyed. "and yes they are all boys. some were like 20 years old and one of the oldest was in his mid thirties."


"i started talking to them quite regularly. they're actually quite funny."

"do you fancy any of them?" heidi smirked, checking the cash in the register.

"heidi!! i don't even know what they look like!" thea blushed, turning the sign on the door open so it read 'open to the outside

"you didn't say no!" the blonde taunted in a sing-song voice.

"shut up," she mumbled, "anyway i have to start baking now. i'll tell you more later when im on my break."


"come on thea!!"


"your shift in the kitchen ended almost half an hour ago!"


"i promise i will stop saying annoying stuff," heidi pleaded, giving thea puppy dog eyes.

the brunette sighed, putting the last tart into the oven, dusting her hands on her apron. "fine"

"ja ja. danke, danke!" heidi grinned, dragging her friend to the staff area round the back while also picking up both of their lunch bags.

the two sat down on the stools, getting out their lunch. "so tell me!"

"im not sure what else there is to say," thea shrugged, taking a bite into a sandwich.

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