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thea felt her hands tremble as she walked up to the front door of kai's house. she had taken christian and kepa's advice and it was either going to go great...or horribly wrong.

shakily, she rang the doorbell twice before standing back on the brown doormat. she waited for a minute


sighing, she began to turn around when she heard the click of the door opening. her eyes trailed up to see kai, wide-eyed and clearly shocked to see her.

thea took in his appearance. she was pretty sure he was wearing the same tracksuit and hoodie he wore when he came to the flat when ben was there. his eyes were red with dark eyebags underneath them.


thea's voice almost sent an electric bolt through his body. "hi."

there was a moment of silence as the two just stared at each other.

"can i-um...come in?" thea asked nervously.

feverishly, kai nodded, opening the door wider for her to walk in. she glanced around the downstairs of his house that was usually neat and tidy but there was were random items, football kit and household utensils strewn about.

maybe i underestimated how bad it was from what chris and kepa said, she thought to herself.

he walked to the living room, with thea following which seemed to be the tidiest area of the downstairs.

quietly, they both sat down on the sofa, neither saying a word. they both stayed like that for what felt like hours but what was infact minutes.

"how are you?" thea asked.

"um...not great?" kai answered, "you?"

"not the best either," thea mumbled.

god, why does this have to be so awkward, thea mumbled to herself.

"i'm sorry for making you-"

"i'm so sorry for not-"

they both stopped.

"you go first-"

"you can go first-

thea let out a small laugh. "okay i'll go first."

she shuffled a little bit in her seat before beginning. "i'm sorry for putting you in an awkward position. you're right: mason is your best friend. i didn't want to make you choose between me and him. i would never purposely do that so i really am sorry if it came across that way."

kai shook his head. "it didn't come across like that. i'm sorry for not telling you. i'd met amelie twice. once before you had even been added to the groupchat at a random party and another time when i had gone round his house a few months after you moved to england. both times i hadn't really spoke to her...but-um, you deserved to know."

"thank you," thea nodded, "and i probably should have yelled at mason's either."

"you were angry. and he was trying to make you feel like you shouldn't be," the german boy shrugged his shoulders, "if anything he deserved to be shouted out."

thea let out a snicker, the two sharing a smile.

"a-and," kai added with a stammer, "and i know mason's my best friend,'re so much more to me than that.

thea's heart fluttered as he shuffled closer towards her. even after a week of not speaking to him, he still had this effect on her.

"god, thea. you don't even realise how much you mean to me," he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "i like you. like, i really, really like you. i guess i was just afraid to admit it because it all felt a bit too real. i know that's not an excuse but...i just want you to know that you mean the world to me and, fucking hell i would choose you over anyone, okay?"

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