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"thea! wake the fuck up and tell me what happened!"

"heidi what the hell are you doing in my house?" thea half screeched at the blonde girl, her hooded eyes barley blinking open to see her best friend standing next to her bed.

"your dad loves me. he let me in as he was leaving for the bakery," she smiled smugly, swiping the pillow from under thea's head and bashing her face with it.

thea grumbled, chucking the pillow to the side and sitting up in her bed. she yawned while rubbing her eyelids groggily. "incorrect. my father does not love you. in fact, he thinks you're a terrible influence."

"me? a bad influence?" heidi gasped loudly and dramatics. "what have i done to make me seem such a terrible person."

"well," thea began as heidi sat down cross-legged on the bed next to her. "who did i go to meet when i first snuck out the house?"

"me. well-"

"who did i get so drunk with one time, to the point where someone had to call my father to pick me 2 hours after the party again?" thea continued.

"well that is me again, but-"

"who convinced me to bunk of one school afternoon resulting in me and that person getting detention for a week?"

"okay, me again. i get your point not shut up," heidi grumbled, before snapping back to reality and realising what she had been talking about in the first place. "anyway, tell me about this big thing that happened yesterday. you clearly didn't see any of my messages."

feeling more awake, thea slipped out of bed over to her wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the day, while explaining the story. "sorry, i was so tired last night. we got back so late-"

"who is we?" heidi raised an eyebrow.

"i'm getting to that," thea huffed, annoyed that the blonde kept on interrupting her, "i was saying that we got back so late from the bakery yesterday that i didn't have time to tell you that i met kai."



"kai as in groupchat kai?"


"kai as in groupchat kai thats from aachen and you message him on like a daily basis and you have a slight crush on him?"

"ja. wait i don't have a-"

"OH MY GOD!" heidi squealed, leaping off the bed to where thea was standing to fling her arms around the brunettes shoulders in excitement.

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