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thea yawned, burying her face into her warm pillow.

well what she thought was her pillow. slowly, she leaned upwards, realising she was still at ben's house. meaning she had fallen asleep.

shit. oh shit. what the fuck is the time? i'm going to be late for my lecture, she thought.

she then faced a bigger problem: kai's arms were still wrapped around her and their legs were still tangled together. the german girl found herself blushing at the apparent proximity they had when she fell asleep last night.

carefully, she held his arm and slowly moved it to the side before doing the same for the other one. she managed to untangle her legs and then began to look for her phone. she reached inside her pockets. nothing. she glanced at the side table next to her nothing. she stood up and went over to the fireplace. nothing.

oh fuck, where did i leave it?

panicked, she ran her fingers through her hair. she looked around to find a clock, but there wasn't a single one.

stupid rich people and no fucking clock.

retracing her steps from last evening, she went back into the kitchen where her and kai had gone to get more snacks. glancing around, she still could not find it. the rest of the boys were clearly still asleep and she didn't want to wake them up for this.

"hey thea, you alright?"

the brunette jumped around and faced the doorway to see a tired ben, rubbing his eyes. "what's the time? where's my phone? i have a lecture at 9:00 and i don't want to be late," she babbled in distress.

"woah, woah calm down," he spoke, placing his hands on her shoulders, "your phone is upstairs. i put it on charge 'cause when it fell out you pocket i saw it was on 10 percent."


"and for the time i think its like 8:40-"

"8:40! oh my god. i'm gonna be late. i'm gonna be kicked out. this is gonna be a waste of money. i'm going to go back to germany. my dad will be so dissapointed-"

"woah, woah, woah. lady. chill," ben breathed out, pulling the worried german into a tight hug, "first, none of what you said is true - apart from you being late, maybe. and second, i can drop you there now. we'll make it. let me just get your phone, yeah?"


he quickly sprinted up the stairs and within less than a minute he was downstairs. while he was doing that, thea quickly put her shoes on. ben quickly rushed into the hallway, slipping on his trainers too. 

"are the rest of the boys still asleep?" thea asked.

ben nodded.

"oh okay. nevermind then. uh-tell kai i said goodbye."

"just kai?" ben teased with a grin on his face.

"no-no the other boys too-"

"i'm only teasing you, mate. come on let's go"


thea yawned as she entered her and aliyah's flat. after a tiring last day of uni, she was ready for the holidays. ben and thea arrived at the uni at 9am on the dot. the brunette girl immediately thanked the british boy before jumping out the car and running to her lecture. when she arrived, the professor was not even there yet and half the class were not there. she then realised she was being a tad bit too dramatic earlier.

"i'm home," she called out, locking the door.

"in the kitchen!" aliyah called back.

thea frowned, taking off her bag and shoes. "in the kitchen? and the house hasn't burned down? is this really you aliyah? is it an imposter?"

she couldn't help but laugh as she entered the kitchen area, the sight of her flatmate attempting to cook making her laugh even more.

"excuse me! i will have you know that i.....well....i am a shit cook. whoever said lesbians can't cook were right," she said flatly, before adding, "anyway, this isn't my own recipe so you will not be dying of food posioning today, my friend."

thea raised an eyebrow.

"y'know how we subscribed to the hello fresh thing?"

thea nodded.

"the first box came today," aliyah continued, "so i have made....salmon, rice and a side of asparagus. the salmon is in the oven right now - sorry i was a bit too eager to cook this."

the german grinned, shaking her head, "it's fine i'm hungry anyway. and i'm intrigued to eat it."

"just call me your person chef," the brown girl winked, "anyway i have a question to ask you."

the two girl walked into the lounge area before flopping onto the couch. "ask away."

"so, christmas. what are thinking of doing for it?"

thea bit down on her bottom lip. usually, every christmas eve was spent with heidi's family and every christmas morning was spend with just her and her dad - and previosuly her mum too. and then the rest of christmas and boxing day was spent with her other family in stuttgart. but this year it was all different. with limited amount of money between her and her dad, she was unable to buy a ticket. she was devestated to say the least.

" at the moment," she murmured, looking down in her lap.

"well, how would you like to come and spend christmas with my family?"


"yeah!" aliyah smiled excitedly, "i usually go down to oxford on christmas eve or the day before and then leave the day after boxing day. christmas day is usually just me, my parents and my sister but they know loads about you now, and wouldn't mind you coming down. i've already asked them beforehand and they are perfectly fine with it. they would honestly love to meet you."

"wait-wait really? are you sure?" thea asked, uncertain.

"yes of course! aliyah exclaimed, taking ahold of thea's hands. "look i don't want you to be sad and all alone here on christmas, so pretty please come for christmas."

thea hesitated for a second before nodding, "okay. yes, thank you, i would love t-"

aliyah squeeled cutting her off and jumping on top of her. thea screeched as the brown girl through her arms around her in a giant hug.



this one was a bit
shorter than i
intended but i hope
you enjoyed it

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