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thea opened the door to the coffee shop, letting a man with a walking stick out before walking in.

funnily enough, this was the same coffee shop where she had first bumped into ben and mason...and also seen kai again.

god that feels like years ago now, thea thought to herself.

thea glanced around the tables and booths, looking for two men in particular. after a quick minute, her eyes latched onto a familiar pair and walked over to the table

"hey, you alright" chris smiled at thea, standing up to give her a hug.

"yeah i'm okay," she answered quietly, giving chris a quick hug before giving kepa one. "what about you guys?"

"not bad," christian nodded as the three of them sat down again, thea on the booth side with chris and kepa opposite her on the chairs.

"yea, i'm good too," kepa nodded. "thanks for coming by the way."

"of course," thea nodded.

the previous night, christian had rung thea asking if she wanted to meet with him and kepa for a quick coffee and a chat. hesitantly, she agreed, and here she was facing them.

"so..." thea trailed off, picking at her nails.

"how are you?" kepa asked again.

"you just asked that," thea stared at them blankly.

"yeah, and now give us the honest answer," christian gave her a pointed look.

thea sighed.

"hey guys would you like to order any drinks?" a waiter sprung out of nowhere.


"can we-"

"yes please!" thea cut the two boys off, glad to have some sort of diversion, "i'll i'll try the pumpkin spice latte."

the waiter nodded, writing it down.

"i'll just have a normal english tea," christian spoke.

"yeah i'll have that too," kepa added.

with a quick smile and nod, the waiter walked away back to the main counter to make the drinks.

"don't think you can distract us," christian narrowed his eyes at the german girl.

"fine," thea scoffed childishly, "you wanna know how i really feel? i feel like absolute shit. i lost one of my best friends and the guy i like in the space of 5 hours."

"none of us had ever seen you that angry," christian admitted, recalling the night at mason's while kepa humming in agreement.

thea could feel herself brushing. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to get all...what's the word in english-"

"riled up?" christian raised an eyebrow.

"yeah that," thea nodded, "i guess i was quite riled up because...well, i just wasn't expecting her to be there. but then afterwards...i guess i was just a bit hurt by everything that happened. and mason expected us to get along just pushed me over the edge."

"that's understandable though," kepa sympathised.

although they didn't know the full backstory, the two chelsea boys knew something big had to have happened for thea to get this angry.

"i feel bad for andreas too," the german sighed, "all he did was ask how we knew each other and it spawned a big fight."

"poor guy was scared," christian snickered, "he felt bad and thought it was his fault for the argument."

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