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"thea your boyfriend is here!"

"he's not-"

the german girl paused. for the first time ever, thea couldn't correct aliyah. because kai was her boyfriend

the previous weekend, kai had take thea on a well needed date. thea honestly didn't think he would be able to top their first date, but he did.

first, they went out for dinner, then he took her to the arcade, and then to this secret garden where he asked her to his girlfriends.

it was perfect.

"yeah, i'm coming!" thea called back, fastening her necklance.

quickly, she put on her heels and walked towards the door. the good thing about being a tall girl dating an even taller boy, is that you can wear heels and still be shorter than him.

thea smiled as she saw kai at the door talking to aliyah who was showing him something on her phone. at the sound of thea's heels clicking against the floor, kai looked up.

his face shone with awe at his beautiful girlfriend,

"okay you guys can ogle each other while i'm not here," aliyah fake gagged pushing them both out the door. "bye!"

"bye ali," they both called back with a laugh, as the door slammed in their face.


"happy birthday!" thea smiled, as mateo opened the door to his houe for the two germans.

"thank you, thank you! come in guys," mateo grinned, opening the door wider as they walked in.

thea and kai did their rounds, greeting everybody they knew and introducing themselves to those that they didn't. not many of the chelsea boys had managed to make it apart from callum, rudi and mason.

mason gave them a wink from the other end of the room, currently in a good conversation with luka modric. kai gave him a wave before wrapping his arm around thea's waist.

this is going to be a good birthday party.


"oh my god, he's adorable," thea awed, holding ivan's tiny hand.

"he's getting all the attention today," iza laughed, "and it's not even his birthday!"

"when is his birthday?" thea asked.

"ocotober 12th," iza replied as the two walked over to the sofa, "that's when he'll turn one."

"wow," thea mused as the two sat down.

"do you want ot hold him?" the blonde grinned, already knowing the answer.

"yes please!" thea chuckled, as iza passed ivan in her lap. "i don't have any siblings and all my cousins are older than me so i've never really been around babies much."

"well this one will be permanent birth control for you," iza joked, "no i'm kidding. at the moment he's pretty sweet. he doesn't wake up crying as much and he's generally good during the day."

"if i have a boy, i'd want him to be like ivan," thea smiled as the little boy looked up at her in her lap.

"well feel free to babysit at any time."

"oh i will babysit whenever," thea said whole-heartedly.

"i'll hold you to that," iza nodded, glancing up at the sound of her name being called by mateo. "is it alright if i leave ivan with you for a while? mateo is calling me."

"yep that's fine, he can stay with me," thea dismissed, "i'll be on babysitting duty for the day."

"you're a star!" iza gave her a quick peck on the cheek before rushing after mateo.

thea smiled to herself as ivan sat in her lap, playing with his toy cars in her arms.

i don't think i've seen a cuter kid than this, she thought.

the brunette girl glanced around to see almost everybody busy in their own conversation apart from kai who had spotted her and started walking over.

"hey you alright?" he asked.

thea nodded, "yeah, you?"

"yeah, i'm good," he answered honestly, sitting down next to thea, callum on the other side on his phone.

kai stared at her playing with ivan for a few minutes before speaking up.

"you look good with kids," he admitted.

"steady on mate! ask her to be your girlfriend first," callum snickered, glancing up from his phone for a quick second.

kai and thea shared a look. little did callum know, kai had already popped the question. on the night, they both decided to keep it to themselves for a while, wanting to be in their own world before everyone gave their input.

the only people who knew were kai and thea's parents, heidi, julian and aliyah - which meant aaryan too by default.

"do you want to hold him?" thea asked kai.

hesitantly, the german boy nodded, sitting straighter as thea passed ivan into his lap.

clearly tired, the little croatian curled into his chest. "awh this is too cute i have to take a picture," thea smiled, snapping a quick picture with her phone before adding. "you look good with kids too."

kai's heart fluttered. "did you want to have kids?"

this was a conversation topic that they have never spoken about before, as it just had never come up.

"uh," thea paused, "i think you?"

kai nodded. "yeah me many do you want?"

"i think...more than one," thea nodded, "if i didn't have heidi i would have been a lonely child. so yeah...2 or 3 maybe. obviously not now-"

"yeah of course," kai clarified quickly.

"how many would you want?"

"however many you're willing to give me," kai chuckled as ivan shuffled in his lap, now drooling on his shirt.

thea coudn't help but blush. of course she saw kai as a long-term partner and of course he had said that too but now it all felt real.


i am the most
unlucky person
ever. i have a cold
AND my period
on xmas day
but whatever

1 chap left and
an epilogue!!

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