»The Crows«

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Jack's POV:

"Can... Can you learn me, how to wave a water?"
Morrigan turned to me sharply and accidentally squashed the flower, she just made. What a pity. That one was good.
"I... erm... Let it be. Maybe it was a bad idea."
"I just... Jack I never knew the Waving so well." she told me and came closer to the desk. It was the next day afternoon and I was sitting behind the table in the Jupiter's office. To the sheet of paper I wrote the list of... members of... fightgroup.
'Whoa, we really have to do the name for us!' I thought. Morrigan sat next to me.
"This can't be so hard. To every one write one Wretched Art. Most of them according to knack. Lambeth and Cadence - Tempus. Anah - Weaving. Arch - Veil. Francis and Hawthorne - Inferno. Thaddea and Mahir... Erm... Ruination. To yourself write Veil and Waving."
My hand with the pen stopped above the paper. Morrigan ran her hand trought her face.
"Don't solve, it's okay. Actually, you will help me. So, now listen: Monday - Ruination. Tuesday - Waving. Wednesday - Inferno. Thursday - Veil. Friday - Tempus. We will call us The Crows. Done thing." She grabbed my hand and pulled me outdoors: "Well, now we are going."


Morrigan's POV:

"So guys, let's train." I clapped, standing on the middle of the circle of my friends in the square of Cascade Towers.
"Everyone firstly must learn one thing. The Wundrous Art of Nocturne. Singing to summon Wunder. But I just please you, there are lot of you here. Quietly. Wretched Arts are like a hard language, that you are learning just by yourself. Because of this that was so hard for not-Wundersmiths. I'm here to learn you one its slight bit. Try to start."
Everyone started to hum and I sank to my own silent. I imagined, as the Wunder is coming to every one of us. Interrupted me Cadence's suprised sight. I opened the eyes. The Mesmerist was holding a golden fiber in her hands. I stood behind her and show her the move with fingers.
"Great." I whispered to her ear and went on.
"Nevermind. Pay attention." I whispered to Hawthorne, because inside his palm was nothing yet. Jack was already playing with the thread in his hands.
"You're famous at this." I whispered and went away. Thaddea was opening and closing her fists.
"Why it doesn't work?"
Whitout a word I grabbed her wrists and waited, until she calmed down.
"Repeat after me. Breathe in..." we both took a deep breath.
"...and breathe out."
We breathed out.
"You must take it slowly. Wunder feels everything. Fear, anger, nervousness. But the patience, concentration and joy as well. So again. Pay attention." I looked to her determined silver-blue eyes, let away her wrists and stepped backwards. She fixed her gaze at her palms and hummed the melody. After a moment the little string of Wunder landed at her fingertips.
"Wow." she whispered. I showed her the moves and playing with my own bit of gold I made my way on. Francis's hands were shaking a little. To his right ear I whispered:
"Breathe in... and breathe out. And now again."
Some seconds after, nothing happened.
"I can't, I'm not ready."
"Shhhh!" I hissed. I pointed my finger to his palm.
When he saw the fiber, he sighed surprisedly.
"Pay attention." and I went away. Mahis was already playing with little peace of power in his hand.
"Excellent, yet you are one of bests."
He shrugged.
"You said, it's a language, didn't you? What kind of linguist I would be?"
I just nodded. Lam had already the threat in her hand too.
"Admirably." I whispered. Anah just made it. With a small precise moves she was playing with golden string.
"Super. Great, Anah." I whispered. Then I came to Arch. He had a little problem. Wunder in his hand was appearing and dissapearing over, and over again.
"Concentrate. Pay attention. You see, it works." I whispered. Until I returned back to the middle, more than half an hour passed.
"Fine. And now, everyone let it go."
Everyone let it to go away.
"It's enough for today, we spend a lot of time here. We'll take it slowly. You can go home, who wants."
Anah spoke:
"And can we go to look... inside?"
I looked at Jack and shrugged.
"If you have brollies..."
Everyone pulled them out and we went inside. Suddenly there was some fascinated 'my lords's and everyone stood silently, looking at that magnificence. I came closer to the plaque.
"She had such a talent."
"It's too beautiful." whispered Anah.
"C'mon." said Jack and we went back to the day light. In my unit grew the wave of whisper.
"So, if you don't mind, I will steal Morrigan from you now. She has some another little work today." Jack said and by my hand he pulled me away.

The Crows M&J (2. Part)Where stories live. Discover now