»I'm a dragon«

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Morrigan's POV:

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked Jack, when her ran out from the elevator.
I was helping Kedgeree and Frank with sorting bills and divide budgets, but I started to watch a clock, to not miss the weekend training. I had an hour, but I can't risk, that someone will come earlier and will need help.
"I'm... going to the Hotel Laurent. They need something to..." started Jack. I bowed my head and pressed my lips together, but I did it like he wasn't able to see.
"Are you... Erm... Are you okay with it? Shouldn't I help you?" he asked, but we both were feeling uncomfortable, so I forced myself to look at him with factitious smile. "No, it's alright. Go to Noelle." the second sentence I just murmured under my breath. I really don't need him to find out everything.
"Fine..." he said uncentrainly and then added: "Erm... Then I will come right to the training. Bye." and he just... left.
"C'mon, say it. Say that... 'And he is gone.' C'moooooon!" sang Frank loudly. Too loudly. I felt my cheeks turning red, and quickly looked down. "Be quiet, Frank!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, love is very heartless." sang on a jester, dancing the waltz in front of the concierge desk. "Oh Juliet, and where you lost Romeo? He loves different! He loves Noelle."
"This is heartless, Frank! Stop it. Don't take it like that, Miss Morrigan." Kedgeree stroked my back. I nodded my head softly. "Thank you Kedgeree." and I left the hotel.


"Hey! Oh, it's just you Morrigan. Hi." said Heloise, when I walked trought the web of courts and walks to the Cascade Towers.
"Hello. Is Jack here?"
"He came two minutes ago and he's waiting in the Walk. Is something going on? Sorry for being honest, but you look... terrible."
"Yeah, thanks, really! I... I'm okay, let it be. Bye."

"Morrigan, finally. Come inside, I don't know, if someone is there, but I waited for you." told me Jack, when I reached the entrance to Cascade Towers square.
"No one is here yet." I constated, when we entered the Weavreley Walk. My boots were knocking on the coblestones, everywhere was ringing the water.
"And what about training just in two?" asked Jack. My face remained stone-like. I stood to the left side of small square, put my sweater off, unbuttoned my cuffs and said: "Let's go."
Jack stood in opposite of me, put off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, put his eyepatch to the pocket and pulled out the dragonriding glooves. I made for both of us the veil of defense, for all causes, and we can start.
I started slowly. I summoned the Wunder a made a rotating ball. It splitted to two and they turned to the two snakes, what wrapped around my forearms. I pressed my wrists together, with right leg forward I held my arms on and two snakes, turning around each other I shoot at Jack. He caught them both and made a two maelstroms. First in one hand, second in the other, he pressed his hands, one to each one. He held the maelstrom above his head and sent it to me. I blocked it and made a bird from it. I did a mirage and time loop.
I stepped behind Jack and let go all Wretched Arts. He truned, catched me by my wrists and grinned provocatively. "Don't have more?"
I returned back to my side, but if I was doing, what I was doing, I couldn't beat him. It was something inside me, just holding me back.
"Morrigan, try. C'mon!"
I tried it again. Maelstrom, shooting wall, Tempus and mirages... After a while I shook my head. "No. I can't!"
"Of course, you can!" called Jack. Then added: "You are a Wundersmith!"

In the exit of Tricksy Lane my unit started to gather. Yet there was Lam, Arch, Thaddea and Francis.

Through the roar of water I cried:
"I'm still in training!"
We started to walk in the circles, don't putting our gazes from each other.
Jack shouted at me: "C'mon! Wake up! Where is that Morrigan Crow, who drove away The Hunt of Smoke and Shadow in the Crow Manor? Where is that Morrigan, who twice stopped the Ghastly Market? Where is Morrigan, who destroyed the Hollowpox? Where is that brave girl, who faced the all town? Girl, who survived her own death!"
"Jack, it was something else!"
He just shook his head. "No. You are weak. You want to prove something? How do you want to save Nevermoor? How do you want to fight with an adult Wundersmith, when you can't even surprise an underage Witness?!" he cried.
I stopped walking. In my eyes was rumbling an anger. Anger at that, what he said, anger at the way he treated Noelle, and anger from that feeling... feeling he doesn't care about.
I started to gather the Inferno. "You overcame this!" I shouted.
He stretched his arms with direction of Cascadas and started to wave a water from them. "I know." he said.
I extended my arms sideways and made a dragon. He crossed his wrists and made a hydra.
We started the real fight. He attacked me with water, but we both were dry. I tried to beat him with the fire, but no one got burned.
After a while I stopped actually enyoing it. "You are a fool. Who else can stop Wundersmith, except another Wundersmith?!?!" I swung my arms, and finally surprised Jack. He blocked the fire, but the shockwave threw him backwards and he remained lying. I put one my hand on the my head. I moaned and sank down to the ground. I was sitting on the coblestones and Cadence, Thaddea and Lam stood around me. Can knelt down to me.
"Morrigan, what happened?"
I shook my head. The pain was quickly away. "Jack... I'm... Where is Jack?!" I asked and quickly rose up from the ground. I saw Anah next to him. I came closer to them hastily and looked at her. "Please, say, he's alright." I whispered and Anah stood up.
"Hey! Everyone except Morrigan, go inside and try to... erm... don't knock out someone else."
Her words worried me. She knelt down again and put her ear to Jack's chest. At that move I jerked. After a seconds she pulled away from him and found a pulse under his neck.
Then she brushed away a strand of hair from his face. "He is breathing. Fortunately. I don't understand it. It's just as if he was... sleeping. Like... Like as you just gave him a sleeping serum to drink. I don't think, that he will be like this for long. You can stay here, if you want to." she said and hugged me tightly.
Together we leaned Jack at the stone wall and Anah walked to the waterfalls. For quite some time I was just sitting, hugging my knees and waiting, leaned on the stone wall. After a while I looked at Jack with the corner of my eye.

Big tears steamed across my cheeks.

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