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Morrigan's POV:

"It's open." Said a quiet voice from inside Jack's bedroom and I came in.
"Hm... Hey." I said, trying to ignore the fact, that Jack was waving a half glass of water.
"Hi, Morrigan." he said. When I came and closed the door behind me, he waved it back to the mug standing on the bedside table.
"What do you need?" He asked and pointed the place next to him. I sat down and sighed a little.
"I want to talk to you." I said.
"Yeah, sure thing. What's going on?"
"I... I want to apologise for last few weeks. I was... I'm in... Erm... just... sorry." I didn't know what else to say. Between us, there was a long silent nothing, blocking all the words and movements.
After a few minutes Jack sighed.
"I broke off my contact with Noelle..."
I looked at him. "You did so?"
He gave me a shrug, then he said:
"She was just one little beastie. Gold digger from rich family. I've seen you're worried about it, so why not?" he laughed. My heart suddenly started beating faster.
"I... I'm glad you did. I didn't want to say anything, since I thought you are... good friends." I said after a hesitation. He raised his eyebrow at me and gasped a little.
"Friends? Never! Not even if you paid me! She is sticky as a bubble-gum! When I asked about her uncle that evening, she wouldn't just let me go and... well, you know."
"But... Her uncle is a good person."
"I can't say, he isn't. Nice guy. Helpfull and kind." Jack agreed.
After a few minutes of quiet I gathered my courage to ask something, I really wanted to know. I took a deep breath and then finally broke the silence: "Did you like Noelle?" I asked quietly. He smiled a little and shook his head.
"No. In fact..." suddenly he locked his gaze to my eyes and took a deep breath as well as I did.
"In fact I... like someone completely different." he said with a calm, quiet voice and leaned closer. I didn't know, what to say. I felt a blush spreading across my cheeks. His face was only about five centimeters from mine. I could see a faint tread of redness on his cheeks. I've never seen him blushing. Impossible. He is too confi-
"But... They have one thing in common. Dubious humor." he smiled. I closed my eyes - absolutely refusing to believe this happens - and our lips connected.

When we pulled away, both of us had the same lucky, conspiratorial (and idiotic) smile on the face.
"First thing, I do not have a dubious humor. And the second... I... Uhhhh... I like you, you idiot!" I said under my breath, my cheeks colouring, but just a little.
"I like you too. More, much more than that." Jack whispered and brushed a strand of hair from my face. I closed my eyes. I really wanted him to do it again. And again. I felt able to be kissing him forever...
But then I heard murmur from outdoors. In the last second I put my index finger to Jack's lips and when he questionably opened his eyes, I whispered:
"I don't know, whether I am sufficiently qualified for this statement, but I think, someone is listening outdoors, captain."
He smirked and laid down to the width of the bed.
"Actually, I don't care this time. But I'm sure, they didn't see of hear anything important, if you care."
"No. No, I don't care." I said as I laid down next to him. He grabbed my hand and I turned my face in his direction.
"What do you think? Why are they behind that door?"
"Maybe they are waiting." He stood up and pulled me with him.
"Waiting for me to ask... to ask you if you want... if you want to go with me... erm... to the Frank's ball..." he told me. I smiled a little, but then I realised, what he just said. I fixed my gaze to the ground and bit my lip.
I told him: "Jack... It's not that I don't want to go. I just... Look. When people say, that they like each other, they are automatically a couple, but... I gotta... just give me a few days. I'll go with you to the ball, but I'm not feeling ready yet, after all what happened, and... I'm sorry."
"I understand. I... I don't want from you to think I'm about to push you to something. I just... showed you my feelings, and if... if you will not want to be... I mean... It will be your decision." he said and gave me a hug. I hugged back.
"What we were... doing here, we'll never tell anyone, till we're not ready. Fine?" he said. I nodded to his shoulder in agreement.

I couldn't wish for a better friend.

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