»Wundersmiths... are cleaning up?«

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Morrigan's POV:

We were somewhere in Eldrich. Jack navigated me by the paper in his hand. Lane, square, some walks, square, lane, walk, court, and...
"Stop." he said, putting his hands on my arms and we stepped to another square. My jaw dropped.
"I... You... Jack I wasn't here for so long!"
He laughed.
"I know. I wanted to bring you here earlier, but when I wrote or said about it to Jupiter, his answer was, that I have to wait. You had to get used to everything what happened, in first. And... Me too. So... Can we go inside?" He asked and without an answer he went upstairs to the Museum of Stolen Moments.

I went to the hall, where two years earlier the Ghastly Market was. Bodies were gone, but scenes remained. All around were dozens of things, machines and natural phenomenas. It looked terrible all together.
I wanted to clean it up, but I didn't know, how to.
'Nonsense, of course you know, how to!' I thought and moved my fingers. Jack sat on the bench next to the one globe and quietly put off his eyepatch. He knew, I want to concentrate. I sang voiceless.
"Morningtide's child is merry and mild..." suddenly I knew, what to do. Well, in actual sense of word, I didn't. Wunder did.
The masterpiece of Matilde Lachance was helping me to clean, what I destroyed. Wunder was letting me, flowing around me. Teaching me.
I didn't know when, and a half of things came to their broken rooms. Just close them! I repared the glass pieces together, shards put themselves from the floor and every one found its place. For a moment everything was tinkling as bells, but then all sounds died.
I stood still, in the middle of all those fixed globes. Jack was just looking at me, his eyes sparkling. He stood up and shook his head fascinated. Then he came closer to me. I looked right to his two bright, chocolate-brown eyes. For the first time after the impossibly long time I looked at him differently. I didn't look at him as at the fight collaborator, very able Witness, the closest friend, or the best Crow. For a first time after the hundreds of days spent together I looked at him as at the boy. We both stood there still, like frozen in the time, as inside one of one of the globes, looking to each other's eyes. When I realised it, after the long time something broke inside me and I got lost. One my piece wanted to give Jack a hug, just to see his reaction. Another one wanted to say something cheesy or teasing. Other wanted to stay like that forever. I felt a need to do... something...
Finally, I looked away and fixed my gaze to the ground.
"Jack, I-I... I just..."
"You're tired." he noticed and stroke my shoulder.
"C'mon, we'll go home." he said. There was a careful undertone in his voice. I nodded and still looking to the floor I followed him quietly.


It was surely after a midnight. I was lying in my bed and thinking. Something definitely changed. I imagined Jack's smile, spark in his brown eyes, soft, shiny black hair and remembered the moment, when I saw him for the first time in my life at the photo in Jupiter's office. Then I screened in my head everything, what we've survived after that. First the shock, when I firstly met him, then that unlucky argument around the shadows, quarrel, three days before Christmas and the scene in the hallway, when I helped him to mop the milk. Then in the order my first Nevermoor Christmas. The Battle of Christmas Eve and the argue green versus red, brocolli hat, my ribbon and Jack's voice.
'Everybody wins!'
Then the Christmas morning, sliding and the snow fight, Show Trial, that Jack willingly came to see. The Wunderground kindap and my return to the Gossamer Line station. Next I remembered the Black Mail and Wundrous Acts, what Jack found with Jupiter. I re-called even my second Christmas in Nevermoor and Jupiter's twenty Christmas songs. The green & red duel and that, what was then. The cheeky postcard, what he sent me, when I hurt my leg, missions, he was going to, when they were looking for the Hollowpox. The Sunset Gala, the green-eyed phantom, that circled there around us and that, Jack was returning home from the school for me to not be alone, even just because of a test.
Then I remembered, what happened this year. Hotel, fights in Gobleian, Tommy and Clarie... The Knight night in library. He called me... He called me Mog.
Suddenly my thoughts just wandered. I remembered the party in the Hotel Laurent. It will be tomorrow. Chanda told me to don't worry about it, she will prepare something. I gave a quiet sigh.

Well, I'm curious.

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