»The ball«

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Jack's POV:

"Kedgeree, you have your last chance. What's. Going. On?" I asked, standing with our concierge under the staircase. Kedge, and the others from staff were mysteriously happy and they were smiling shinglesly and they were absolutely annoyingly lucky AND I was getting mad because of their stupid little smiles after the day. Firstly I thought Morrigan probably said someone, but then I realised I'm being paranoid.
"Absolutely nothing sir. Everything's right, as a rain." said Kedgeree, but he was smiling secretively all the time again. I threw my arms outwards helplessly, one hand I put to the trousers pocket and ran my hair with other.
"For goodness sake, Kedgeree! Well, it doesn't matter, just don't let anything bad happen, because I..." I didn't finish. With the corner of my eye I saw a little group of people on the staircase and I turned at their direction involuntarily.

She was... Absolutely beautiful. She had black velvet dress with half-long sleeves, beetroot red fabric belt around her waist and the same on the edge of skirt and sleeves. Her black hair in thick waves were dropping down her back somewhere to her middle.
Kedgeree made his way back to the pult, whistling quietly, but I didn't pay attention to that anymore. I was just staring idioticaly at the girl, who has stolen my heart.
Morrigan with her friends went down the stairs. She looked to my eyes, but we both kept silent. After a while I gave a mental slap to myself, looked sideways and around for any distraction. There were all from unit in here, and from the concierge desk I saw Tom and Clarie coming... holding each other's hand. I gave a slight smile to no one in particular.
"Hey Morrigan!" called Tommy. I noticed she is in lure to roll her eyes. Tom continued:
"Ready to spend the rest of the evening with the biggest snob of the Nevermoor?"
I looked down at the floor and ran my hand across my black waves. Morrigan did two steps closer to me.
"I'm not here with you Tom. At least Jack is not the annoying blonde with too blue eyes." she smiled falsely. Then she turned to Clarie and added:
"Nothing against your taste."
Oh, hard shot. Don't want to get hated by her again. This girl's getting sassier by every second.
Tommy just stood stunned for a moment, but then, just to have the last word, he declared:
"Just you two don't get together today!"
Unit 919 held their breath and hunched over, preparing for an eruption, but Morrigan just took a deep breath and smiled again.
"Doesn't threaten." she said, but I saw, she crossed her fingers behind her back.
Oh gosh.


"That one was beautiful!" pointed Morrigan, when Hawthorne and Cadence returned back from the parquet to the table with drinks. She poured them something non-alcoholic. After a moment Lam joined them and Mahir suddenly appeared next to me.
"Jack? Can we have a word?" he asked and pulled me away.
"Sure thing, what do you need?" I murmured under my breath. Mahir's eyes gleamed.
"When you will ask her for a dance? Or are you planing it a few Ages later? C'mon, Jack, be a man!" he provoked. I rolled my eyes and quickly returned back to the group.
"Hey, Morrigan?" I spoke when only few steps were between us. She raised her head.
I came closer, smiled and whispered into her ear:
"May I ask for a dance?"
She looked at me.
"I don't dance." she teased me with slight smile. I rolled my eyes ironically.
"Nah, c'mon!" and I pulled her to the middle of a foyer. For a while she was laughing, but then she took a dance pose. After a few moments of easy waltz I noticed she is doing surprisingly well.
"You are good at this." I pointed. She smiled a little and shrugged.
"Know the harder version?" I continued and changed my steps. She changed them as well and told me:
"Ballroom dances were from father's... opinion... one of obivious', that daughter of State Chancellor must know. So my lectors were teaching me dances for his order. Actually... That ones, who weren't too afraid of me, you know."
I nodded. There was another long moment of silence between us, but (surprisingly) it really wasn't uncomfortable.
The music ended and we stopped slowly. We both were quiet. Morrigan stuck the strand of black hair behind her ear and raised her gaze.
"Jack, I... I think I just... I made a decision."
A smile crept into the corner of my mouth. She smiled and bit her lip.
"So now I guess we can..."
But she wasn't able to continue. Because of me.
It was slow, and long awaited kiss. My hands slid down to her waist and her ones were playing with my hair. Everything except her suddenly disappeared.
You want to know something? I'm in love. And yeah, I'm pretty sure about that.
After a moment we pulled away. The hall was silent, everyone were looking at us.
"There aren't any argues between us. The Grand Sulk is away." I whispered. With corner of my eye I saw Hawthorne and Cadence. They climbed up at the concierge desk.
Everyone started clapping and someone even whistled. With a smirk I shook my head, grabbed Morrigan by her hand and pulled her to the pult. Tom put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, mate! You ran fast somehow! I was kidding!"
"But I wasn't, you see." I answered and kissed Morrigan's forehead. Cadence and Lam stepped to us.
"I don't know, if I should laugh or shout at you!" said the Mesmerist and hugged us both. The little circle of friends broke off by laughing Hawthorne and behind him... Mahir. Me and Morrigan, we both raised an eyebrow and changed pointing looks. Then we turned to the strange two in front of us.
"What's going on?" asked the Wundersmith holding the laughter. Mahir explained apologetically:
"Ignore it. He is in a shock. He just lost one hundred and twenty creds."
Hawthorne put his hands on his knees and stammered:
"That's my year pocket money!"
We nodded together and constated:
"He is in a shock."
Then ran Anah there and stood in front of us, catching her breath.
"Guys, I knew, that Morrigan had a chlorose!"


Morrigan's POV:

When Anah said that, I leaned on Jack's chest and my shoulders were shaking because of hidden laugh. Jack sighed theatrically and stroked my head.
"Yes, it was big surprise for both of us, and..."
Cadence with Hawthorne interrupted him.
"Morrigan, are you ill?!"
"How long?"
"Is it deadly?"
"Or contagious?"
Mahir, who probably knew it from some book and Dr Anah couldn't stay it anymore and errupted to the laughs. Hawth and Can cut off themselves.
"Anah, explain." said Cadence and Anah started. In short, chlorose is 'illness' of people in love. So I'm alright, just lovesick.
Jack grabbed my hand and made our way away from the group.
"So... how is it going with that snob?"
I interrelated my fingers with his and kissed him quickly to his lips.
"Better as I imagined."
He smiled, blushing a little.
"We should tell staff." he said.
"We should tell Fen." I specified. Suddenly Jack looked somewhere behind me and turned pale, then his cheeks flushed red. He looked like he saw a ghost for a moment, then he shook his head resolutely:
"No. We should tell Jupiter."
He grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me back.
Tall figure.
Ginger beard.
Blue eyes.
Jacket and trousers crumpled and in dark blue color.
"JUPITER!!!" I yelled and threw my arms around his neck.
"Mog, you grew up!"
"Well, ha, very ha!"
"No, you really grew up!"
"So Jack grew up too, then, because I see no difference." I argued. Jack came closer and gave Jupiter a hug.
"Great timing, Uncle Jove."
Jupiter laughed.
"I know. Just caught the kiss."
Me and Jack bit a lip, looked at each other and then quickly sideways, each one to the other direction. I felt my cheeks turning red too.
"Jove!" Chanda in the evening robe hugged Jupiter around his neck. He hugged her tightly and gave her a kiss to her forehead. Me and Jack were just standing with heads bowed down, waiting for the death warrant. Jupiter laughed.
"Oh, c'mon you two, didn't think I wasn't expecting it, did you? Don't look at me like that."
I raised my head.
"Actually, it doesn't matter." said Jack.
"Well... It does, but..."
"But we are so happy, you are home again." we said and with Chanda we hugged him again.


Hi guys, hope you enjoyed my story. Thanks for all reads and votes. Later I will probably publish epilogue, but for now this is the end of my Morrijack. Please comment, or put this to your reading list.

- Mog

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