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Translations at the end of the chapter!

Willow and Gus left Luz in her cave and went home.
So now Luz is alone. Well, she's with Hércules and her still unnamed batter (bat-otter), so she's not alone alone, but alone enough to practice her waterbending.

Luz knows she can create water, but she's wondering if she can also control the water that already exists.
So she takes a bucket she had bought in the market and goes to the nearest river to get some water.

There, in the other side of the river is Amity, training her waterbending alongside someone, probably a teacher.

So she has training, and that's why she couldn't hang out today. Understandable.
Luz thinks.

So, to not disturb her, Luz walks a little more, until she reaches a bend easily accessible.
There, she fills up the bucket and comes back home, that's if the cave can be called home.

She leaves the bucket full of water in the middle of the room, turns around, looking at the bucket, and get a water glyph ready in her hand.

"Okey, I'll like the water to go up, just a little, so, let's do it" She says outloud, encouraging herself to do it.

She thinks what she wants the water to do and taps the glyph, that starts to shine, while moving her hand to touch the water.
She doesn't know why, but she feels like she should touch the water, it's like if the water is calling her.

The moment her hand reaches the water, it goes up like a fountain.

She retracts the hand and the water falls flat.

She did it. She has do waterbending.

"Wow, eso fue genial!" Luz shouts. Hércules and the batter cheered in the distance as response to Luz enthusiasm.

"I wonder if I can waterbend without touching the water" Luz asks to herself.

She takes a few steps back, take another water glyph.
She touches it. She thought what she wants the water to do. The glyph shine, just a little.

But nothing happens.

Luz look at her hand, at the glyph that has stoped shining, disappointed.

"Maybe it doesn't work if I'm not touching the, it can't be, there's have to be a way. I'll find that way. Tú puedes hacerlo" Luz says, encouraging herself.

And after a lot of thinking Luz comes to a conclusion, "Maybe, I can create a stream of water that goes from my hand to the water"
But her plan has a little flaw. She doesn't know how to create water the proper way willingly. For now the only water she had created was a splash directed to her face.

But, Luz thinks that create water must be similar to the way she uses the air glyphs:
She has to think what she wants the air to do AND she needs to replicate the airbending techniques if she wants it to work just fine.

So she can do that, try create a stream of water while doing the correct waterbending technique. A piece of cake. Easy peasy. Save for a small detail, she doesn't know any waterbending techniques. Well, except for the one Amity teached her.

But could it be the technique for this occasion? There's just one way to find out.

Luz takes a water glyph between her hands, and tap over it, thinking of a stream of water leaving her hands, while she imitates Amity movements, hoping with all her heart that this works.

The glyph starts shining and Luz keeps moving. A bit of water comes out of the glyph, so now Luz thinks were she wants the water to go, to the bucket.
The water moves in the bucket's direction, and once the stream reaches the water inside the bucket Luz thinks how she wants the water to move, in waves, like the river in Amity's back garden.

And the water in the bucket moves.

Luz jumps in the place and starts screaming, startling Hércules, who was sleeping.

"Oh, my bad buddy, did I wake up you?" Luz says approaching him, "It's just that I just learned to waterbend, from the distance! That's cool, isn't it?" She asks Hércules, now rubbing behind his ear. A grin shows up in Hércules' face while he moves his tail up and down.

"I wonder if..." 
Luz leaves Hércules' side looking for something around the cave.

The cave is pretty much empty, so it doesn't take her long to find what she's looking for. She approach one of the walls and pick up her bat. 

For what does she want the bat for, you must be wondering. You'll see now, just keep reading.

Luz takes yet another water glyph, and sticks it the bat's side.
"Here goes nothing" Luz says, touching the glyph and then getting in position like if she's gonna hit a baseball ball. She takes a deep breath and swings the bat. A kind of water ball, but more like a cylinder of water, emerges from the bar in the direction where the ball would go in case she was playing baseball.

Too bad that direction is the same where Hercules' face is.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry" Luz says, running to hug Hércules, "I'm sorry I hit you. But on the bright side I learn to waterbend. I also have learn how to use the bat to bend. I'm pretty sure it will work with an air glyph, I don't know why I didn't try earlier.
Anyways, I have to train more if I want to master all this things" Luz looks at the clock, "but now I should go to bed. I always wake up early to practice" she thinks.

So Luz says her goodnight to Hércules and the batter and go to sleep.

Hello there guys

So yeah, Luz can waterbend now (but she has a lot to learn yet) AND she can use her bat to do some cool things. What do you guys think?
I'm planning of making a drawing of Luz using the bat sometime in the future, I'll warn you where you could see it.

And as I said on instagram, right now I've got an awful lot of assignments, and that means I have less time for drawing and writing, so I'm not gonna make a christmas or new years special, sorry.
Instead I'll be posting chapters as ususal: I'll post a chapter of one of my two fics every week.

And if your lucky I'll post one chapter of each fic in the same weekend, what means two chapters in a week.

First the text in Spanish then the translation into English.

•Eso fue genial - that was awesome

•Tú puedes hacerlo - you can do it

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