|| Chapter 32 ||

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Eight years later

In Alexander's desk, next to an overgrown fern beneath a window that trickled sunlight across a silver laptop, there is a drawer filled with pictures.

When he chose to look at them, which was often, he could almost hear the sound of a camera, capturing each moment.

Click. Alex chasing after John, a handful of snow poised over his head.

Click. Alex, sticking his tongue out at the camera, bright blue as Laf made bunny ears in the background.

Click. Alex, lopsided bun, coffee cup in hand, a look of tired indignation on his face while he leaned on the counter, mouth open in a moment of 'No don't take that-'

Click. John sitting on Herc's shoulder while Alex crouched in a Spiderman pose in front of them, sneakers untied, all of them standing in the hallway of the Art Gallery on campus. Behind them, a blown-up watercolor done by Peggy, displayed in a heavy gold frame.

Click. Alex, holding up his phone, grinning broadly, the words one year clean proudly displayed on the screen.

Click. Alex, mid-jump, throwing himself at an unsuspecting Peggy, head in her sketchbook. The photo doesn't capture her scream after, nor the streak of charcoal smeared across Alex's face.

Click. Alex, sitting in a hospital bed, throwing up peace signs, face emotionless and thin. Relapse in restriction after a year and a half. He'd stayed for two days before being released.

Click. This one is only a streak of color, as the stray cat John had brought in leaped across the apartment, away from his outstretched arms.

Click. Alex and John, arms wrapped around each other, both in graduation gowns, diplomas clutched in hand. The next photo is of them kissing, Jefferson making exaggerated gagging motions in the background.

Click. A trip to a beach in New Jersey, Laf smearing sand across Herc's face while John cackled, unaware of Alex sneaking up behind him, bucket of water in hand.

Click. Alex, sitting at his computer, an essay on-screen, empty coffee cups littering the desk space.

Click. A close-up of a newspaper headline, the words By Alexander Hamilton in thick print beneath them.

Click. Alex and John, glasses of champagne in hand, wrapped around each other at New Years'. If you squint, you can see a velvet box peeking out of John's pocket.

Click. Alex, hands over mouth, John on one knee, Peggy and Eliza's mouths open in excited screams behind them.

Click. Two men in suits, smiling at each other, the Schuylers and Lafayette dressed in bridesmaid's dresses and a suit.

Click. Hercules mid-toss as rose petals hung in the air, wearing a bright magenta suit that rivaled Jefferson's as the crowd chuckled.

Click. Alex's head resting on John's shoulder, eyes closed, taken mid-sway through their wedding dance at the reception.

Click. Angelica and Alex, standing side by side, Angelica holding a Doctorate diploma and Alex holding a Masters.

Click. Alex, staring at the camera in shock, mouth wide open. Behind him, Jefferson holding a ring as Madison cried, nodding yes.

Click. Alex and John, showing an approved document for adoption, both beaming, silver rings on their hands.

Click. A baby boy, swaddled in blue. John looking adoringly at him, birth certificate with the words Philip Hamilton held in his hand.

Click. Alex, asleep in an armchair, Philip napping on his chest, a line of drool dripping from Philip's mouth to Alex's shirt.

Click. Last photo in the stack. John and Alex, holding Philip, posed in front of a flowering tree in Central Park. The small signature at the bottom reads Peggy Schuyler Photography.


Alexander has plenty of photos now, all perfect.


He looked up, setting the stack on his desk. John, Philip settled on his hip, was waiting at the door, coat in hand. "You ready?"

Alex glanced back at the pile, the glossy finish reflecting the sunlight from the window. He stood up and pulled on his coat, pushed up his glasses.

Took a look at his family, his world, wrapped up and waiting for him.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready."


And just like that, four years have come to an end.

This was a rollercoaster, to say the least. If you've been here since the beginning- thank you.

I wrote this throughout my high school career, starting it as a freshman and now ending it as a senior. I'm graduating in six months. That's absolutely insane. We made it guys.

That being said, I'm not done with this story. Not ready to give up John and Alex quite yet, since rediscovering this fandom has become my new obsession again.

More stories should be coming soon

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