|| Chapter 5 ||

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Heyyy guys so this is super short, I apologize immensely, but right now I barely have time for writing. The new semester started, and I'm in an advanced English course; literally I am the first freshman ever allowed in to that class and the work load is manageable, but it's kind of complicated. I'm still battling a few mental issues but I'm getting through it!
Oh, and I'm in the middle of learning French and Polish. So yeah. My life is pretty hectic right now, and I don't know when I'll be able to update. Sorry!

When Peggy left, John closed the door behind her and sat on his bed. He fiddled with his plaid comforter until Alexander came back out of the bathroom.

"Sit. Bed. Now." John gestured to the opposite bed. Alex sat, leaning against the wall and stared at his hands.

"Listen Alex... I think we need to talk." Alex opened his mouth and John cut him off before he could speak.

"Just... Please be quiet for a minute, ok?" Alex shut his mouth and frowned, but nodded.

"I know we've only been here for a day or two, but- and this is really hard to admit, so please don't make fun of me or anything- I think... I think I like you. A lot. And I don't care what you think, but it's the truth. And," John added as an afterthought, "if you want to transfer dorms or something, I totally understand." He blushed and stared at the comforter again, then glanced up at Alex.

Alex was watching John with an unreadable expression on his face. He sighed.

"John, I- I like you a lot too. But I just- how would we make this work? I mean, we live in the same dorm, we just met, and besides, I don't think you would want me, ok? I'm- I'm pretty messed up." Alexander looked out the window. John got off of his bed and crawled onto Alex's.

"I think we could make it work. And I don't think you're messed up, Alex."

Alex mumbled something under his breath.

"What?" John asked, and Alex turned to face him.

"You don't know me." He studied John's reaction. "You don't know what you'll have to deal with."

John wrapped his arms around Alex's body. He was too thin, in John's opinion, and seemed like some fragile bird, ready to take flight at any moment.

Alex leaned into the hug.

"I'm willing to deal with the consequences," John murmured into the other boy's hair.


A week later they were snuggled up against each other, with a thick blanket covering the both of them, watching a movie on Alexander's laptop, almost asleep, when the door was suddenly flung open.

Alex bolted upright, his ruffled hair looking like feathers of a newborn baby bird.

"What- how-" He stared at the doorway. "How did you guys get into our dorm?" He questioned cautiously as John sat up next to him.

Lafayette laughed. "John gave us a key awhile ago, mon amie. "

Hercules leaned around Laf and let out a low wolf whistle. "Well, look at you two lovebirds," he smirked.

Alex turned bright red and John gave a small embarassed smile.

"We're a thing now," he said, and intertwined his fingers with Alex's, who, if possible, turned an even deeper shade red.

Laf wiggled his eyebrows at them and Alex involuntarily let out a laugh. John grinned.

"So now that it's official, you guys want to get pizza with us?" Hercules asked hopefully, glancing at Lafayette.

Alex looked between Lafayette and Hercules.

"Are you two, like, together or?..." He asked awkwardly, letting the question hang in the air.

"No worries, mon amie. Yes, we are together." Lafayette grabbed Hercules' hand and smiled up at him.

"Laf's pansexual and Hercules is gay," John explained, and Alex nodded.

"And the Schyulers are coming, so we can finally talk properly, without someone being drunk." Hercules gave John a meaningful look.

John laughed. "Ok, ok, yes, we will go." He looked back at his boyfriend and Alex nodded happily.

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