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Well... we made it <3

I never thought that I would have made it here without each and every one of you

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I never thought that I would have made it here without each and every one of you...

From the absolutely insane way you guys picked up (almost) all of my references, to a comment section with obscene amounts of comments because you guys decided to sing the entire soundtrack based on a single word that I use.

Even just your words of support when I spend a bit too much time making the 'Author Notes' into a little rant diary. My entire life story is in bold text i swear to you LOL.

There's almost a community that we have all made together. Heck, I've talked to some of you more on messages than my actual family members! I love every single one of you theater nerds and how you make ME more of a nerd every time you share your love of this fandom with me <3

It's quite silly how attached I am to all of you strangers, but this isn't the end! I have many more stories planned, so keep your eyes peeled.

Love you all from the very bottom of my heart


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