|| Chapter 3 ||

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Chapter 3 - Sleep Is For The Weak

TW: mention of alcoholism and alcohol

Alexander was furiously typing on his laptop when John woke up.

His head hurt like hell. His eyes felt like they were made of sandpaper and his mouth was as dry as sawdust.

"Ugh," he groaned, and rolled over to face the wall.

Alex peeked over the top of his computer. "You alive over there, Laurens?"

"Barely," John muttered. He sat up, his head pounding. He blinked a few times and looked over at his roommate.

Alex's deep brown eyes were glassy with tiredness. His black hair was messed up and he looked like he needed a good nights' sleep and some food.

"Alex, were you up all night writing?" John asked in amazement.


"You need sleep!" John exclaimed.

Alex looked up and John winced. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Nah," Alex muttered. "Sleep is for the weak." He went back to his laptop.

John sighed. "Well, I'm going to go get coffee. You want to come?"

"Sure...Just give me a minute to finish this paragraph."

John got up and peeked over Alex's shoulder. "What are you even writing about?"

Alex's breath caught in his throat. John was this close to him. He slammed his laptop closed and set it aside.

"I just write about whatever. You know, what's going on in my head and-" he glanced at John, "-what's going on outside of my head too." His roommate rambled nervously.

What it his imagination, or did Alex blush?

John realized he had been staring and quickly looked away. He had totally screwed up yesterday by saying that he liked Alex.

He probably got weirded out by you yesterday. And besides, even if he is gay, from the way he looks, he has the whole world to choose from for a boyfriend. He would never choose me. I'm just the turtle guy who no one likes.

Alex looked at John.

God he was cute. But he would never go for you, Alex, you fuck up. You ruin everything you touch.

John broke the awkward silence. "Oh! Charlie's tank is coming today too, so we need to figure out where to put it."

"We could put it against the wall next to the fridge," Alex suggested, shrugging. "I'm not really the best at decorating or anything, sorry." He gave an awkward laugh.

"No, that's a great plan!" John smiled warmly at Alex. Alex fought to stop his face from exploding into flames.

"Should we leave for coffee?" John suggested after a sufficiently awkward silence.

"God, yes, I need caffeine," Alex said, relieved. They both laughed.

Is he flirting with me? They both thought.

"-and after the hurricane hit, I got shipped to the States. My mom was gone, my orphanage was gone, everything. So some rescue workers took pity on me and brought me back with them. I've been bounced from foster home to foster home ever since. No one really wanted a kid who was almost grown up when they could be had a cute six year old instead." Alex frowned at his coffee, then glanced up.

John had an expression of absolute sympathy written across his face. "Alex... I'm so sorry," he whispered. "And I thought my childhood was bad," he halfheartedly joked.

Alex mustered up a smile. "But enough about me and my sob story," he forced a small laugh, "I want to here about you."

He blushed. Way to sound like you're flirting, Alex.

"Well," John started, "my mom and dad divorced when I was really little, and my dad... let's just say he likes to drink more then his dad." He frowned. "Dad held onto his money and gives us it only when we need it... I do try not to spend too much, but sometimes I don't do that great with it," he added sheepishly. " I used to drink to get myself to stop... but I would just get drunk... I guess alcoholism runs in the family..." he blushed "Last night was the first night where I really got drunk in a long time."

Alex nodded. "I get it. When my dad left... I was devastated. But I think it was for the best. He liked to drink and gamble too much, too." He offered a sympathetic smile.

They were both quiet for a little while, then Alex spoke up.

"So... about last night. You said some things..."

He trailed off, looking at John.

John went red and stared at his coffee. "Listen, Alex, I know I said some stuff, but I was drunk."

Alex's face fell, his heart cracked a little bit. But he tried to hide it. "Yeah. Totally!" He forced a smile. "I get it, don't worry."

He stood up and grabbed his coat. God, this was embarrassing. "Listen, John, I liked this and everything, but I really should go. I have some writing to do."

"Wait! Alex, just wait." John stood and grabbed Alex's arm. Alex turned to face him and John dropped his hand and stared at his shoes.

"Just because I was drunk doesn't mean that... that what I said wasn't true." He glanced up at Alex, who was looking at him with a puzzled expression.

"Alex, what I'm trying to say is-"

He was cut short as Alexander reached up and kissed him.



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