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So I'm sorry for any inconvenience and that you guys have been waiting for a while.

There's just a whole lotta shit going on in my life.

I was just recently diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, and my depression has been "upgraded" to severe.

Recently I tried to end my life, but fortunately my brother found me before anything fatal happened. I'm attending a center to help me out and it's working amazingly. I still have a ton of stuff in my mind, but I'm doing so much better.

This is kind of difficult to admit to you guys since... well... your still waiting for an update.

But anyways, I have a ton of people supporting me through this low in my life, but I'm sorry but the story is being put on hold for a while.

Again I'm really sorry and you now have permission to unfollow me.

Love you guys

x - Valesti

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