Chapter 1

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It was a bright sunny day at the 501st Joint Strike Witches base in Britannia. One of the most recent recruits is Sgt. Yoshika Miyafuji. She and her fellow teammates are flying in the skies for more exercise training. All the witches took off from the runway. As they did they were flying around the sky doing their daily exercises. From shooting to using flying techniques. After a while of training, Mio went beside Miyafuji and said to her.

Mio: Sgt. Miyafuji, you have been improving. I am proud of you!

Mio said as she smiled at her teammate. Miyafuji smiled back as Perrine made a face of jealousy. As training continues, Miyafuji turned her head to the side and saw something in the distance. 

Miyafuji: Major Sakamoto!!

Mio: What is it? 

 Miyafuji pointed in the direction of this mysterious anomaly that just appeared out of nowhere. Mio lifts up her eyepatch to get a closer look at this anomaly. From the perspective of her eye, she can only describe being some type of vortex. The Vortex had a dark blue color while it was spinning very slowly. 

Mio: Hmm, it looks like some type of Vortex!

Minna: Dose it has to do something with the Neurol?

Mio: Can't be, Neuroi hasn't been attacking us for a week.   

Minna: Shall we check it out?

Mio nodded as Minna shouted

Minna: Everyone follows me!

As the team followed Minna over to the mysterious-looking vortex, everyone was glaring at it from afar. Thought it could be dangerous. Minna was the one who got a closer look at it. Minna got a bit closer and closer until the Vortex sucked her in. 

Everyone gasped as she got sucked in

Erica: Minna!

Mio went through the vortex to save her. As a result, the rest of the 501st went inside the Vortex. The only question is, where did this anomaly lead them to? Another world? Another dimension? Another reality of their world? 


USS Gerald R Ford, Middle of the Pacific Ocean. 

8:00 AM

The USS Gerald Ford is on an expedition back to the US Mainland. But the USS Gerald R Ford isn't alone. It's being escorted by three Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. After being stationed in Japan for a few weeks to gather US Marines, Sailors, and many others who are stationed in Japan. 

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Strike Witches: A World Without NeuroiWhere stories live. Discover now