Chapter 12

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In the hospital bed of the 501st JFW base, Alex was laying in the bed. Showing no signs of moving. That was until he started to wake up. He opened his eyes. He moved his eyes around to see his surroundings. He only remember that he was going to fight against the Neuroi. That was until he got shot down by a Neuroi and saw that he was going to die in the ocean. But it was a miracle that he is still alive. He can hear the sound of beeps next to him. 

"Where am I" He asked himself

Then he can hear the sound of a door opening. It was Yoshika. She wanted to check up on Alex. She was shocked to see he was up and well.

"A-A-Alex?" She said in shocked

"Yoshika? What...what happened?"

"oh my god!" she said as she ran out of the door. She shouted as she told everyone that Alex is up


This got attention from Anna, the 501sy and the 502nd. While other witches and world leaders were confused. They asked, who is Alex. The 501st and 502nd rushed into the room Alex was in and they were so happy to see him up. Shirley was the first one to go into his room and gave him a big hug.

"Oh my god! Alex! I thought you were dead" she said as tears ran down her eyes.

"Well obviously I'm not dead Shirley," he said  

"Don't scare us like that!" Shirley said

Everyone else just smiled to see that Alex is up and well. Anna smiled happily seeing that her friend is alright. 

After a little while, Alex can walk again. It was another miracle that he didn't break any bones or such. After being checked up by the military doctors, he was finally discharged and can walk out again. Alex met up with other witches and world leaders. Even Hitler himself. Though it was nervewracking to meet him. 


After meeting with the leaders, Alex was sitting with Minna as he was introducing her to social media. Alex didn't meet all the witches because they were talking to each other about what they just witnessed. 

"So Social media is a place where people can share their thoughts, pictures, and ideas" he said 

"I see, so what websites are popular?" Minna asked

"Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more," he said "I always go on Instagram and Youtube," Alex said 

As they were looking, The Luminous Witches decided to meet Alex. They all got up from their seats and went up to Alex. Though Minna and Alex didn't notice because they had headphones on. 

"Excuse me" 

Alex took off his headphones and looked at the Luminous Witches.

"You must be Alex right" The witch name Grace Maitland Steward said

"That would be me and I going to assume you ladies must be the Luminous Witches?" He asked

"that's correct," A Sumous witch name Aira Paivikki Linnammaa said "The project you put up is great. 

"Thank you. I worked really hard on that, and I'm glad it paid off" he said "So from what I heard you ladies are different from the rest of the witches?"

"That's right, we are singing witches," Ginny said

"That's nice"

"I heard that you do music as well?" Jo said

"yes. Singing and dancing. But not worldwide famous. More like my own community treat me and my group like celebrities" he said "Overall, Music is my passion"

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