Chapter 2

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Alex returns to the briefing room with his laptop. From the witches perspective, they described this laptop, colorful, majestic, and futuristic looking. 

All the witches glared at the laptop

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All the witches glared at the laptop. They were fascinated with the design and all. This was because they have never seen such a device before. Of course, they came from 1944. Gaming laptops and PC were not invented yet. Alex placed the laptop on the table. He began typing real fast to enter his account. After that, he began going onto the internet. 

"Ooh! what is that!" Lucchini asked in fascination

"This is what you call, a laptop."

"This device, I have never seen such a device in my life." Minna said in awe

"What does it do?" Shirley asked

"Well it's kinda like a universal library. You can look up stuff. Like history, research, play games, and much much more." Anna said

The girls were awed by her answer. Miyafuji was more fascinated with this technology.

"Whoa so you can literally look up anything in the world and you can get good results?" Minna said as she chuckles

"Absolutely! Here come around, I would like to show you something" Alex said as he continued typing. 

The girls rushed behind Alex and began watching the screen. Alex typed in World War II on the search box. The results came in showing an event called "World War II" The Witches were wondering what was this World War II.

"um, what is this World War II?" Eila asked

"I also noticed the date September 1st, 1939 - September 2nd, 1945" Bishop said 

"September 1st, 1939 marks the Second Neuroi War," Perrine said 

There was an awkward silence for a moment, then Alex spoke.

"Before we go into that, we have to go back to the year 1914, the First World War. It all started in Sarajevo." Alex said as everyone nodded

Alex played a video on how the First World War started. Such as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Minna: Franz Ferdinand is the Nephew of Franz Joseph. The Emperor of Ostmark at that time. But in this reality. He was assassinated?!!!! Who killed him?!

Alex: A young Serbian student named Gavirilo Princip. He assassinated him thinking he would threaten Serbian independence. After his assassination, Europe would eventually erupt. Ostmark declared war on Serbia, Serbia called on its ally Orussia, Then Karlsland would aid Ostmark. 30 days later, All of Europe is at war with each other. 

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