Chapter 6

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A few days have passed since the 501st Team had made their debut in the United Nations. The thought of Neuroi existing in this other world was exciting and concerning for world scientists, and many others. Not only that they get to discover a Parallel Universe which means the theory of the multi-verse has become a reality. The scientist is also excited to understand how magic works and such. Some politicians became worried about the fact that Hitler is still living in this alternate reality, especially the ones who are Jews who had family were holocaust victims. Let's be real here, can you actually blame this Parallel version of Hitler who isn't a dictator who hasn't committed any crimes but is nothing but a famous painter in an alternate Germany? No. Because this isn't the Hitler that we know. Anyways, after the debut of the Witches, NATO agreed to send in forces to the pacific ocean to help repel the Neuroi threat that is occurring in this world. The United Nations calls this Parallel Earth, "Terra Magica". The United Nations also agreed to send delegations to Terra Magica hopefully to begin relations with the major global powers of this other world. The US President sent Ambassador Patrica Smith who is in her late 20s and a brilliant speaker. She is wearing a suit with a black tie, and a skirt that was above the knee. Of course, she is wearing pantyhose to cover up the nice legs she has. 

The British Government sent a male politician who was in his mid-50s. Germany sent over a male in his mid-forties and the French have sent a female in her mid-50s. 

Now everything is settled, the 501st and the 502nd have reunited once again to sail back to their world. Their goal is to escort the Ambassadors to their perspective countries along with the help of NATO. Everyone was riding on the USS Gerald R Ford to the portal. Alex was in his room changing into his civilian outfit since he was dismissed for the rest of the day. He went to meet with the 501st to meet these other witches who are called the Brave Witches. As he did, he say down next to Minna who was eating her lunch. As she was eating her lunch, she was using her Smartphone to take down notes. Alex then put his laptop on the table and greeted her.

"Hey, Minna are you interested in playing that game I showed you?" Alex asked as he opened up his 

"Oh sure. I'm just about done taking notes" Minna said as she put her phone away. "Alex this is the 502nd JFW. They are called the Brave Witches. 

"Nice to meet you all" Alex said as he waved at them.

"Hi, my name is Sgt. Hikari Karibuchi"

"I'm Waltraud Krupinski"

"Gundula Rall, the Squad leader" 

"Edytha Rossmann"

"Kanno Naoshi" 

"Takumi Hikari"

"Georgette Lemare"

"Nikka Katajinen"

"and I'm Aleksandra Pokrushkin" 

"Nice to meet you all!" Alex said as he went back to his laptop to set up the Hearts of Iron IV game.  "So do you remember how to use the keyboard and the mouse?" he asked Minna

"Sure do, mind if I start off with the tutorial?" Minna asked

"Certainly," Alex said as he clicked on the Tutorial button. After playing the tutorial many times, she finally understands how the game works. It was literally a strategy game. So she carefully chooses what nation she choose. All the while, the 502nd Team and the rest of the 501st were curiously asking themselves, what Minna was doing.

"Just remember you be a conquering or a defender," Alex said

"I know, let's play Nazi Germany," She said as she choose Germany. Minna chooses to start at the year 1936 to prepare everything. She researched many weapons, strategies, and the industry.

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