Chapter 10

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Apparently, this is not done, but I have decided to post this chapter since everyone's asking me when the new chapter going to happen. Since I might miss some events in the chapter so go ahead, and write in the comments on what events I missed.

While everyone was reading more reports on World War I and World War II,  The 502nd Team was looking at some pictures including some of the Ace Pilots that existed in World War II. Hitler was looking in another section of the room. While he shook his hands, he saw pictures of him giving a salute and wearing a brown uniform with the swastika arm on his right upper arm. He even sees a black and white video of himself giving a charismatic speech. He wasn't the only one there, Eva, his daughter, and almost every Karlslandic witch were looking at the Nazi section of World War II. Hitler was watching a video of him giving out charismatic speeches. It was almost like he was angry but excited at the same time. 

"It was not intellectuals who gave me the courage to speak, but I can tell you this in found courage because two sorts of people during my lifetime. The German farmer and worker! Perhaps some of you are unable to forgive me because I eradicated the Marxist party. But my friend I AALSO ERADICATED THE REST!"

"A new state simply can't fall from the sky it has to grow within the people. Because when I need loyalty, BELIEF, CONFIDENCE, FANATISCTIMS, AND COMMITMENT! then I must turn to her can still find these values. AND THESE VALUES CAN BE FOUND WITHIN THE MASSES OF THE PEOPLE! 

Uschi felt uncomfortable watching the speeches that his Parallel father was doing. He only said those words so he can win the German people's hearts. 

The Karlslandic witches didn't even smile one bit seeing this alternate Karlsland. Not even Hitler smiled about this. It was clear that the witches and Hilter himself condemned the Nazis and his evil self. The Karlslandic witches wondered if they existed in this universe as their teen selves, will they be working in these work camps or will they be condemned to these concentration camps. 

"National Socialism," Rall said 

"Another form of Fascism!" Minna said 


While everyone continued one with their breaks, new representatives had arrived in the 501st JFW base. Everyone looked outside to see who arrived. 

"Who just arrived," Galland asked

"It looks like the Japanese, the New Zealanders, Australians and the South Koreans" The German Representative said to Galland "May I ask your name?"

"My name is Adolfine Galland" 

"Mein Gott!" 

"What is it?" She asked

"You are technically Adolf Galland in my world. A Famous Ace Pilot of Germany!" 

"I read about him, and I must say I have high respects for him" she said 

"You mean yourself" he chuckled

"HaHa Very funny!" she said

Soon the representatives of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea would arrive inside the base being greeted by many people. Including the witches. The Australian Rep and the New Zealand rep are shocked to see some of the world leaders such as Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. More shockingly they saw the three Axis leaders. Mussolini, Hirohito and Hitler. 

"Oh my god!" The Australian Rep said

"It''s........Hitler" The New Zealand Rep said 

Hitler got up on his seat and spoke

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