One Last Time

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Suit is the one in the pick above.


We see a man in a armored suit standing on top of a building in the rain with a scene of widespread destruction beneath him, the ground crawling with alien creatures.

Alright, let's do this one last time.

My name, is Izuku Midoriya, I bonded with an extraterrestrial power giving symbiote, and for 4 years, I've been a vigilante and then a hero. I saved a bunch of people, fell in love, saved the city, and then I saved it again. And again and again. And then I saved the nation.

The figure jumps from the building, landing on his feet. The surrounding aliens backed of, aware of the presence of an apex predator amongst them. The figure looked up and got covered in an aura of electricity before seemingly vanishing from where he was standing, appearing behind one of the aliens with his hand through it's chest.

Along the way, I made some mistakes, killed a bunch of people, saved even more, single-handedly destroyed an entire villain organization and fended of villains from realities other than mine.

The figure continues to kill the aliens, stabbing some with the mechanical limbs that were sprouting from his back, punching through the skulls of others, and incenrating some.

I saw my friends die at the hands of a inter-galactic conquerer who was being supported by alternate reality versions of himself, and now I am the last person standing between him and doom for half of all life in the galaxy.

A hulking figure walks out of the smoke caused by the fighting, his golden armor letting only bits of his purple skin show.

"So you finally show yourself, O guardian of the Space Stone. Hand the stone over to me, and I will let you join me."

But even after all that, not once have I ever felt tired of what I do.

"How about you come and take it."

"You insolent fool, I was being kind. Very well, I shall show you my strength."

The two figures lunge towards each other, their fists clashing, causing a shockwave that destroyed all the debris that surrounded them and caused the clouds to part, making the sun shine once more.

I, am called Scarlet Spider, and this, is my story.


That was a teaser for what to expect from the last arc. I kinda wrote it so that you guys know where this is gonna go. I am not gonna update this book for a few days as I want to work on my other books and also have tests upcoming.

-Ashborn Out

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