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Hello everyone, Ashborn here. First off, I sincerely apologise for not updating for around 8-9 months. Originally I was having some troubles trying to figure out a direction to take the story in that wouldn't make it feel like I just shat out a bunch of ideas, smushed them together and published it, then I had some personal problems, and now I have exams coming up that are going to decide my entire future.

I made an announcement about the exam thing but the Tl:DR is that I have exams starting around the end of February that will decide my future and am under immense amounts of pressure from... well basically everyone, to do well in them(i.e. get atleast above 95%).

Now I don't know when I'll start on the rewrite for this story, mainly because I still can't figure out what direction I want to take it in. That being said, I'll definitely be updating this, because it was my first story(and also the only one with any real audience). Please feel free to leave any ideas you have. I have access to my laptop for a few days and I'll try to respond to all your comments.

The original idea for the story was something like this - 

Izuku is quirkless. Everbody except Izumi and his parents is a dick about it(but those 2 were also mostly away to be heroes so he still didn't like them much). Izumi gets injected with a substance(Terrigen) by (Group of Bad Guys led by unnamed insane Inhuman royalty whose name I didn't decide) cuz they are of Inhuman descent and enters a coma. Years pass, stuff happens, Izuku becomes Spiderman(Peter Parker)'s disciple in Spidermaning, ends up getting captured by afformentioned group of bad guys, Spidey dies, he finished Inhuman metamorphosis after the Terrigen injection, bonds with Symbiotes, revenge ensues.

There was other stuff that happened, but I left it out. If you guys want it, I'll just go ahead with this, but updates won't come before April either way.

Once again, really sorry about this whole no updates thing. See you again in 3-4 months!

-Ashborn Out

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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