I'm Still Alive! Also Will Be Rewriting This Story

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So... It's been a hot minute since I uploaded anything... and some of you might be wondering where the hell I've been.

If you want the short version, then here it is- I didn't exactly do fabulously in my exams, my parents didn't like that, and all my electronic privileges were taken away.

The long version:-

After my exams ended on the 12th of March, I spent 3 days playing Elden Ring, (Getting destroyed by Margit for 7 hours and nearly breaking my controller in the process). And, I don't know how they did it, but the teachers at my school managed to finish checking the answer sheets in those 3 days. And as said in the short version, my marks weren't exactly something to write home about.

So... my parents took the only logical step in the eyes of Asian parents, i.e., to take away my laptop and delete all my games as well.

And that just about sums it up. That's why I haven't updated in a while. However, I have finally managed to get permission to use my laptop; therefore this chapter; so I might start updating soon.

However, my update schedule is probably going to be worse than before. Since I'm in my last year of middle school, and that's a pretty big thing in India.

Now, onto the topic of the rewrite mentioned in the chapter name. It's going to happen for 2 main reasons:-

1) The power scaling for this version is a nightmare.

2) My notes for the story were in the same folder as my games, so I lost them in the great purge my parents staged.

So yeah, this story is going to get rewritten, though not for a while. Instead, I'm going to be working on a different story, for which the notes are still intact, and honestly, I like it way more than this one. Not saying I'm abandoning this one. Just that I'm not going to touch it for a while.

The first chapter of the new story should be out by Sunday(hopefully). That's all cuz it's becoming a real struggle to keep my eyes open now.


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