Izuku Yagi: Origins 1/2

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Izuku POV unless stated otherwise


I woke up when the sunrays hit my eyes. Remembering what day it was, I quickly got out of my bed and woke up my sister.

"Zumi- Zumi wake up."

"What is it nii-san?"

"Did you forget? Today's the day we go get our quirks checked."

"Oh yeah. How did I forget that?"

"Because you're stupid that's why."

"Nii-san you meanie."

"I'm joking. Come on, let's go wake up mom and dad."

With that, me and Zumi headed to mom and dad's room to wake them up. When we got there, we say that both of them were still asleep and completely buried under the sheets. Zumi went to wake mom and I woke up dad.

"Mom/Dad wake up. We have to go to the quirk specialist today."

"We're up, we're up. You guys are really excited to know about your quirks aren't you?", mom asked while coming up from under the sheets.

"Obviously we are. We're gonna get supercool quirks and become heroes like All Might after all", both of us shouted at the same time, filled to the brim with excitement.

"Alright you two. Go get dressed. I'll go make breakfast for us."


With that, me and Zumi ran off to get dressed. An hour later, me, Zumi and mom were getting out of the car in front of the quirk specialist's office. Dad didn't come with us because he had to leave for work.

Once we got inside, me and Izumi started playing with our All Might and PsyWave figurines that we brought with us while waiting for our turn.

After about half an hour, the nurse came outside.

"Yagi's, please head inside. The doctor will see you now."

Me and Zumi both rushed in, with mom following behind. The doctor was sitting on his chair, a old man with white hair and blue eyes that radiated an aura of warmth.

"Are you the Yagis? Please take a seat. I'll have to take blood samples from you kids. It won't hurt a lot. You would think an ant bit you."

I gritted my teeth and somehow managed to not cry when the doctor poked me with the needle. Izumi did the same.

"Wow. I'm surprised. You too sure are strong. Normally kids your age would start bawling there eyes out after I take a blood sample."

"Of course we are. We are gonna be the best heroes afterall."

"Sure you will. Wait for a few minutes will you? I'll have the reports by then."

After around ten minutes, the doctor came back with two sheets of paper in his hands and a look of pity on his face.

"Mrs. Yagi, I'm afraid I have some bad news. So do you want the good or bad news first?"

"The good news first, doctor."

"Well, the good news is that your daughter has an extremely strong enhancer type quirk that lets her increase all her physical capabilities to around half of All Might's strength. On the other hand, you son unfortunately does not have a quirk."

What? I'm quirkless? Then how will I become a hero? No. I'll become the best hero, even if I don't have a quirk. I made a promise afterall.

While I was thinking about that, I didn't realise that mom had already gotten up and left. I quickly chased after her and got into the car. While we were returning, mom only talked to Izumi and praised her for her quirk and didn't even try to console me. During that time, it began to rain

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