Izuku Yagi: Origins 2/2

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Izuku POV unless said otherwise


The policeman brought me and Zumi to the hospital where Izumi was shifted immediately to the ICU while the doctors checked up the minor injuries I had. I didn't even notice when they finished checking me up, I was busy in my own personal hell.

It's all your fault. She got hurt trying to save you. It's all because of you.

No it's not my fault, it was the villains.

Who was it that she tried to protect? You. It's all your fault. If you weren't there, this wouldn't have happened.

Yeah. It's all my fault. If only I wasn't there. If only I wasn't this weak. If only I didn't exist.

I started curling up into a ball, continously sobbing, having the voices in my head tell me exacty how worthless I am. I didn't even realise when the staff called mom and dad and when they came and started talking to the doctors about Izumi.

From what I could make out, her ribs had punctured her lung's and she had a fractured skull, with a bone shard having scraped her brain. The doctor's were currently operating on her to try and save her life but there was a chance she was not going to make it.

A Few Hours Later

The light above the operating room turned off and the doctor came out.

"Yagi's, I have some bad news. Izumi is now out of danger, but, she has fallen into a coma and we don't know how long it will take for her to wake up. It might be a few days or a few years. You can see her if you want to."

Mom and Dad got up and hurreidly entered the room Izumi was being kept in. The doctor approached me and asked,"You're not gonna see your sister ?" 

"Not now, later. I don't think I can bear to look at her now. It was all my fault after all."

"Blaming yourself will get you nowhere, kid. Get over yourself."

The doctor left me alone after that, and I started to cry once more. After about half an hour, both mom and dad came out of Zumi's room and started questioning me about what happened.

"Izuku, I know this was a traumatic incident for you, but I need you to tell us everything that happened.", dad asked. He was obviously very sad but his tone also conveyed his anger.

"We-well, me and Zumi were coming back from the park after Aya-chan -"

"Who's that?"

"A friend of ours. She was moving away so we had gone to the park to play together one last time. As I was saying, we were coming back when this car came hurtling towards me and she pushed me out of harms way an-and got hit by it" I said before breaking down into sobs once more.

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry for making you relive that. I know it wouldn't mean a lot after what happened in the last 4 years, but we're sorry for how we treated you. Neither of us could understand how to talk to you about it and we ended up focusing an Izumi a bit too much. So, sorry once again. We promise we'll be better from now on. You should go see your sister once, we'll go back after that."

"Yeah, I should do that."

Wiping my tears with my sleeve, I got up and went to see my sister.

When I entered her room, my heart broke. There was my sister, looking like she would get up and start jumping around in her typical overenergetic way any second now, yet not moving a inch. All because of me. I couldn't stop myself from breaking down into tears once more, gripping her hands, repeating "I'm sorry" over again.

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