The Revelation

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The story goes like canon till the point All Might prepares to jump away after Izuku wakes up. That is definitely not me just being lazy.

Anything said during a conversation that is in italics is the character's thoughts.


Third POV

All Might: Well, Young Man, if you are alright now, I'll be leaving. Gotta turn this guy over to the police and all.

Izuku: Please wait All Might!!

All Might: What is it, young man? 

Please make this quick Izuku, I don't think I can hold onto this form for too long.

Izuku: For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a hero. But after I was diagnosed as quirkless, everyone told me that I can't become one. That's why I wanted to ask you. Can someone like me... Can someone without a quirk become a hero that can save everyone?


/Hey there, everybody! Future Izuku here. Just gonna say, there is a huge misunderstanding coming up, just please don't be mad at All Might for what's about to happen./

(What the- Where the hell did you come from?)

/You already know the answer to that, don't you Author? And as much as I would love to tell you guys why I can interfere with other realities, the Author is still stronger than me and he would erase my existence if I gave you guys any spoilers. Won't stop me from dropping by every once in a while./

(Just get out of here already, you're ruining everything!)

/Sure, I'll be back later./


All Might: This is a great opportunity. Let's see if he's worthy or not.

Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no. It doesn't matter how determined you are, without a quirk, it would be extremely hard for you to become a hero. And even if you somehow managed to get a license, you wouldn't be able to fight with villains properly and might even end up as a liability. But, if you truly wish to help people, you can try becoming a doctor or a policeman. They don't get a lot of fame but they are truly noble professions. Now then, if that's all, I'll be leaving.

Izuku POV

With that, All Might, the man that I had spent my whole life looking up to jumped away, leaving behind a boy with a shattered dream.

I guess really am useless, aren't I? Even All Might thinks I can't be a hero. Should I just jump and end it all? At least I'll be at peace after dying. No more school, no more discrimination, no more bullying, and most importantly, no more having to deal with Bakugou.

No, no, no! What the hell am I thinking! Let's just go home.

I shook myself to get rid of those thoughts and slapped myself for good measure before heading back home.


/If I had known what was about to happen, I just might have chosen to go through with that. Probably would have been better than what came after that. After all, that fight with Doc Oc-mmph!/

(Oi! No spoilers!)

/*Muffled noises because of the gag I put on his mouth.*/

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