New in town

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A black rucksack landed next to a pair of combat boots on a porch. Betty Cooper sighed as she looked at the big house she was reluctant to enter. Her blue wrap dress was floating in the wind, she decided to go in as her legs started to get cold. She knocked on the door and a woman with a big wide smile on her face opened the door.


"Hi mom"

"How are you? Oh you must be cold, come in come in!"

Alice Cooper took her daughter's bag as she yelled for her son to come down. Appearing at the bottom of the stairs was Archie Cooper, Bettys older brother.

Everybody had caught up with each other over cups of tea in the sitting room after an hour. Betty's mom took her up to her new room and showed her around. The room was much bigger than the one she had had in her Dads apartment, this brought her some joy. She now had a closet, a king size bed, a desk and her own bathroom, instead of just a little bed and a nightstand.

She had moved back to Riverdale to get away from her dad and his new girlfriend. She had nothing against her dad, but his girlfriend was another thing. Betty couldn't stand the woman, so she had suggested she spend some time in Riverdale. She claimed it was because she missed her mom, but really the only image she had of her mom was a bossy, rude, mean bitch who always wanted to keep tabs on her. She couldn't understand how Archie could stand to live with her alone. But the day Betty arrived Alice had actually been quite lovely.

Betty unpacked her bag and got changed, the clock was nearing 5 pm and it was almost time for dinner. She walked downstairs wearing a pair of short gym shorts and a white spaghetti strap crop top, with no bra. When she came downstairs she was greeted by a raven haired boy about her age, 18, possibly 19. Her first impression of him was that he was very handsome and took good care of his body, his muscular arms showing under the sweater he was wearing.

"Hi, I'm Jughead, Archie's friend."

"Hi, Betty"

"Betty? Nice name."

"Well it's actually Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Betty, what about your name, Jughead, that's unusual.

"It's actually Forsythe but everyone calls me Jughead"

Betty gave the boy a slight grimace from him having copied her words. She walked through to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water and was greeted by her mum.

"I'm assuming you met Jughead, he's Archie's friend, he sleeps over a lot, he's actually sleeping over tonight."

"Oh ok"

Betty was surprised at how her stomach did a little jump when she heard this, she shouldn't have but she was actually a bit excited the boy was sleeping over, he was in fact very hot.

A few hours later, after they had had dinner and everybody had said goodnight to each other, Betty made her way upstairs to head to bed. She laid on her stomach watching Netflix on her computer when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey, can I borrow your bathroom to take a shower, Archies in his and your mom is in the big one"

It was Jughead. Betty adjusted herself on the bed to discreetly make herself seem more appealing by arching her back and putting her feet up in the air.

"Yes come in, go ahead"

Jughead walked past her with a towel and into the bathroom. When he entered he leaned against the door sighing, he knew already he was attracted to the girl but he didn't want to do anything to mess up his friendship with Archie. But Jughead couldn't help feeling a little excited about his best friend's sister suddenly appearing in town.

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