Welcome Sophomores!

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This is just mild smut but still some action.



Betty showed up at the school with Veronica next to her. They both held sleeping bags and pillows. Veronica had dressed up for the occasion but Betty had just thrown on jeans and a baggy old band t-shirt.

"Ugh this is so juvenile, do we really have to go?"

"Yes Betty, it's sophomore year! Come on, it'll be fun!"

Betty and Veronica walked in to be greeted by a banner that read "Welcome sophomores to your home coming night of fun, please proceed to the gym." Betty thought it was ridiculous, she felt that they were being treated like children. But she walked with Veronica towards the gym thinking it might still be fun to hang with her friends.

The whole big group had set up their sleeping bags in a corner of the hall. She scanned the room and saw Jughead and Archie stood by the bleachers talking to some of the serpents. She tried not to look at him, they hadn't talked since that night they spent together and she wasn't sure if the night meant anything to her.

Betty set up her sleeping bag by her friends and sat down. Jughead, Archie and some of the serpents approached them and started laying out their sleeping bags too. Betty made eye contact with Jughead and immediately turned around to her friends.

"So Betty, little goodie two shoes, how about truth or dare?" Cheryl asked with a wicked grin on her face.

"Uh sure, why not"

Jughead looked up as he heard Cheryl call Betty goodie two shoes.

"I'll join you" Jughead said, rolling out his sleeping bag beside Betty's. Pretending it was to sit close so he could hear everyone.

"We'll all play!" Veronica added.

All of them huddled around in a circle sitting on each other's sleeping bags. Jughead coincidentally sat down beside Betty on her sleeping bag with Archie on the other side of him.

"Ok Fangs, truth or dare?"

"Uh, truth"

"Is it true you and Keller were caught sneaking into the janitor's closet?"

Fangs laughed uncomfortably and answered "Eheh.. yeah I guess it is"

Fangs asked Veronica who the best she had been with was and she answered Reggie trying not to think of a particular incident involving Archie. Veronica asked the next person and the game went on with very intimate questions and dares.

"Betty, truth or dare?" Sweet pea asked. "Are you a virgin?"

Jughead stiffened trying not to look over at Archie, he didn't actually know if he had taken Betty's virginity, but no matter what it still involved sex which he had done with Archie's sister. "No, can't say I am" Betty replied mischievously. "Oooh, not such a goodie two shoes after all Cooper" Cheryl said.

The game continued on and everyone seemed to be having a good time. "Truth or dare not so goodie two shoes" Toni asked.

"I will say dare since you're all a bunch of wimps" Betty said, Jughead chuckled next to her.

Toni looked around the circle, her eyes landing on Jughead. "I dare you to sit in Jughead's lap for the rest of the game." Jughead sitting with his legs crossed looked up, nervous.

"Sure, because I am not a wimp like the rest of you" Betty said, scooting over and sitting down in Jughead's lap. Jughead removed his hands from his thighs and placing them behind himself leaning back, trying to show minimal contact between the two.

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