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This is a very short chapter but hopefully it brings a good ending to this story. Stay tuned for more Bughead fanfics and more! Love you all!


Christmas had come and passed and everyone was preparing for the new year. Betty and Archie hadn't talked much, neither had Jughead with Archie. Veronica was sick of seeing her best friend and boyfriend acting so hostile towards each other. "Archie, you have to talk to her!" Betty heard Veronica's voice as she walked up the stairs. "Look I know it's uncomfortable, but you can't blame her, she's hooking up with your best friend but so are you" Veronica continued. Betty stopped at the top of the stairs to listen, she held her glass of water in her hand and leaned against the railing.

Veronica kept talking until footsteps broke her train of thought. Betty quickly scuttled to her bedroom door and went inside, as she heard soft footsteps drawing closer. As she sat down on her bed after placing her glass on her night table a knock was placed on the other side of the closed door.

"Yeah?" Betty asked, lying down. Archie slowly walked in looking at his feet. "I'm sorry for how I reacted, I had no right.." Archie trailed off as he stood in the middle of Betty's bedroom, his eyes gazing in her direction but not meeting hers. "It's ok arch, just as long as you accept that me and Jughead are together. And that I love him, and he loves me. We really care for each other, we're not just hooking up" Archie nodded.

"Also, Jughead's going to be here for new year" Betty said sternly "you could even invite Veronica" she said. "Yeah, yeah that would be nice" Archie gave Betty a weak smile and walked out of her room, gently closing the door behind them.

The two didn't really need to communicate much, they both mutually understood that neither of them could change the situation and that was just how it was going to be but that it was going to be ok.

Archie felt relieved as he walked back to Veronica in his room and gave her a hug "Yeah, we're ok" he said kissing her forehead. "Great!" Veronica exclaimed "Now play me that new song", they sat down on the bed and Archie played his tunes on his guitar.

Betty felt incredibly happy during the new year and so did jughead. They didn't have to hide their relationship anymore and they were celebrating the new year together and with all their friends. As a couple.

As the midnight clock striked they shared a warm kiss smiling to each other. The year wasn't going to be so bad. 

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