Walking on air

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For the past two weeks Betty had been extremely happy, for the first time in years she didn't feel alone. She had lots of friends, a family who actually had time for her and a boyfriend. Her boyfriend Jughead, who as far as she knew was one of the sweetest most generous guys you would ever meet.

So far they had gone on four official dates, one at a restaurant in centerville so as not to be spotted by a friend, one game night at Jughead's trailer, he cooked her dinner. She had asked him why he lived in a trailer when he seemed so comfortable economically and he had explained to her that he simply didn't need anything bigger. Being 19 he lived alone he felt he would rather spend his money on other things than a fancy apartment. Surprisingly managing Pop's half time payed very well for a boy his age.

Another date they went shopping for clothes which Betty considered a date and the latest one was at the twilight drive in. Betty had borrowed her moms truck, they parked it as far away from the screen and close to the edge of the lot hiding from prying eyes. Unfortunately it turned out they were too far away from the screen to hear anything so they just spent two hours talking and cuddling.

Bettys heart was filled with love and lately she felt like she was walking on air. And when she saw Jughead walking down the hall towards her she felt like she was melting as he smiled towards her.

When he approached Betty who was walking alongside Veronica he leant down and asked her "Hey can I talk to you for a second?" Jughead seemed serious. The tone in Jughead's voice worried her, what if something had happened? Or what if he didn't want to be with her anymore. A sinking feeling spread throughout her as she followed him to the Blue and Gold office. Closing the door behind them Jughead took a step towards her.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked nervously. "So..." here it comes, so I think we should slow down or something she thought to herself "I was thinking" he continued. Betty felt like her legs were about to give way and she was going to fall into a heap on the floor. "I want to go away this weekend" Jughead said.

Looking up from her feet surprised, a confused smile spread across her face "What?" she asked. "I wanna' go away this weekend" he repeated. Betty squealed quietly and brought him into a deep kiss "Jug I would love to!" she exclaimed. "Where are you thinking?" she asked.

"How about two nights at the five seasons? They have a 50% discount this weekend" he asked, grinning down at her. "I'll pay of course" "Ahhhh" she squealed "Yes, yes, yes!" The sunken feeling had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

Holding each other she kissed him "Ooh I should get my nails done!" She said, "Sounds great" he said, kissing her forehead, "Hang on one second" he reached for his wallet and took out a 50 dollar bill. "Babe no-" she started, "Shhh my treat princess" "Are you sure?" she asked shyly. "Of course" He kissed her.

The bell rang and they both let go of each other. They walked to class together and entered the classroom with all the other students.

"So what did Jughead ask?" Veronica asked, leaning over her desk towards Betty. "Oh he was just wondering about an exposé I'm writing, you know when it'll be ready and stuff" she responded kind of proud of herself at how quickly she had come up with a lie. "Oh, well that's boring" Veronica said leaning back in her seat, "I thought he was going to ask you out on a date or something". "What? Why would you think that?" Betty asked nervously, knowing Jughead could hear them from his seat.

"Cuz' he's been super flirty with you lately, you know he doesn't just like any girl" Cheryl leaned in towards them. "And plus he's like so hot" Veronica chimed in "So hot.." Ethel said, looking at her hands. Jughead could help but chuckle.

"I'm flattered Veronica" He said looking forward at the blackboard then turning towards them. Betty blushed as Veronica said "I'm just saying it like it is" she smirked. "And you two would be so cute together" she said looking towards them.

"Sorry V, but I'm actually seeing someone" Betty said, getting Jughead's attention. "Oh my god! What?!" she exclaimed "Why didn't you tell me?!". All the girls leaned in to ask their questions. Everybody interrupting each other.

"Ok, ok, chill" she said "It's just a guy I met on the Southside." "Have you had sex yet?" Ethel interrupted. Betty blushed and looked down at her thighs. "Oh my god you have! Tell us everything!" "V, we're in school I'll tell you later" she said. Jughead had turned back in his seat watching the teacher talking to some students.

"Ok ok, we're going to the salon later and you're gonna' tell me everything, but at least tell us.. Was he good?" Betty felt a little uncomfortable knowing Jughead could hear everything. She noticed him lean back in his seat, inching nearer to them so he could catch Bettys words.

She grinned and said "Oh my god, like the best" She giggled. "What's he like?" Josie asked "Like tender but rough" "Ugh" multiple girls let out a sigh edging her on. "And so selfless" she continued "It's amazing, hands down, best sex I've ever had" the girls giggled. Jughead grinned to himself in his seat trying to cover his face with his hand.

"All right students, let's get this class started!" the teacher interrupted.

After school Betty, Veronica and some other girls went to the nail salon in the town to get their nails done. The whole two hours were spent gossiping about guys, and sex and relationships. Betty felt it was such a stereotypical thing to talk about in a salon, but she was excited to finally talk about Jughead, in disguise of course.

Veronica revealed that she was going to the five seasons to take advantage of the discount. When Betty heard this she made sure not to tell her about her and Jughead spending the weekend feeling it was safest to stay clear of it.

The last half hour was spent talking about Veronica and Reggie who was treating her to the weekend. 

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