Christmas Vacation

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Song- Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande


Betty was sitting eating breakfast with her brother in the dining room, Alice was pottering about swaying along to the music playing on the radio. Alice turned around and walked towards her two kids clad in christmas pyjamas. "Kids, I was thinking, since we aren't having family over for christmas, why don't we book a few days at The Sundown Hotel by Shadowlake?" she suggested. Surprised, Betty said "Yeah! That would be super nice!" Archie agreed. Alice lay out her plan as she sat down at the table with a plate of chocolate chips. "Can Jughead come?.." Archie asked quietly "It's just you know he lives alone, so he'll be alone during christmas" he continued. Alice contemplated and then agreed "Of course, we were going to get adjoining rooms anyway."

During the afternoon Alice booked two adjoining hotel rooms and a christmas dinner for two days from then, the 24th. Once Alice had told Betty and Archie the plan Archie went off to give Jughead a call. Betty went up to her bedroom and texted Veronica.


'Ahhhh omg that's so fun! Don't b it's gonna be great!" Veronica texted in response.

Two days later Alice was driving their car over to Jughead's trailer where he was standing outside, waiting with a duffel bag. He bunged his bag into the trunk and sat down in the back seat next to Archie. "Thank you so much for letting me tag along Ms.Cooper" he told her as she started driving again "Oh my pleasure!" she exclaimed "We're just happy to have you!"

When the group arrived at the hotel there had been some mistake on the booking "It seems here that you have three rooms Ms.Cooper" the receptionist said looking at her computer, "What? I only booked two" she said, taking out her phone and showing the confirmation email. "Huh, strange, yes I can see here that the price if for two rooms" she said pointing at the screen "Oh well, just go ahead and take the extra room, it won't be booked now anyway" she said smiling "Oh thank you very much!" Alice said. "However, they won't be ready for another 20 minutes. So just take a seat in the lobby, one of our staff will come out with complimentary drinks and announce when your rooms are ready" she said signalling towards the couches across the room with her hand.

The four sat down with their bags and got comfortable. They ordered their drinks and started talking. "Ok so I suggest you boys share a room and me and Betty will take the other two, I'm assuming you'll want to hang out?" Alice asked the two teenage boys. They both nodded and Alice continued "Betty do you want the andjoing room or single?" "I'll take the adjoining, let you get a break from us haha" Betty laughed. The drinks came and 15 minutes later they were headed up to their rooms.

Archie and Jughead set up their stuff in their room and so did Betty and Alice. Betty knocked on their door once she had unpacked and walked through to their room. "Hey, there's a pool, you guys wanna go swim?" she asked. "Sounds cool, we'll get dressed and come over, can you call mom and tell her?" Archie asked. Betty agreed and walked back into her room, talking to her mom on speakerphone while she got changed. Her mum didn't want to join them, she was planning on doing some last minute Christmas shopping undisturbed.

Betty hung up and naked, took out her two piece and slipped the bottom half over her legs, adjusting them on her hips. "Hey-" a voice started at the door, Betty screamed in horror covering her bare chest with her arms. "Don't you knock?!" she shouted as Jughead covered his eyes "shit sorry" he said apologetically closing the door.

He felt bad when he walked back towards his bed "What happened?!" Archie asked confused as he slung his towel over his shoulder "Uhh she was getting changed" he said awkwardly. Archie laughed and walked over to Betty's door, he knocked and heard Betty shouting "Just a minute" from the other side. Seconds, Betty opened the door, wearing a red silk robe and carrying a book and towel in her hands. "Meet you on the other side, gotta' lock up" she said, closing her door again.

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