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A little more than a week went by since their chat, Betty and Jughead had talked to each other but they hadn't met up yet. Betty was caught up in schoolwork since she had arrived a month into term. Unfortunately Jughead hadn't been by trying, to respect the stress Betty was under even though they both did miss each other both romantically but also sexually.

She hadn't told anyone about Jughead but still Veronica could tell something was up, they had gone from talking about boys constantly to only Veronica and her boyfriend Reggie. Veronica, still keeping a dirty secret, didn't know how long she could go on hiding it. She had tried addressing the matter but had no luck, she just figured Betty was sick of love or something and didn't want to talk about it. So she came up with a plan to get Betty to get her mind off things.

"B, I've noticed you've been a little preoccupied lately soo, I was thinking that you need to relax. Cheryl is hosting a halloween party and we should all go!"

"Oh V, I don't know.. Parties aren't really my thing.."

"Exactly, that's why it would be a great way to relax, we'll drink, have fun, laugh, it'll be great!"

"Ugh ok fine"

"Yay! Ok we have to plan what to wear! Omg I have an idea, let's be an angel and a devil. I'll even pick out an outfit for you!"

"Yeah ok that's fine, just not too out there"

Veronica gave her a devilish grin and walked off. When Betty got home she found Jughead and Archie standing laughing in the kitchen, her stomach jumping from seeing her now boyfriend for the first time after a week.

"Hey Betty, you going to the party tonight?" Archie asked.

"Uh yeah actually I am, with Veronica"

Jughead's head perked up when she said this, he was surprised she hadn't told him and he gave her a weird look.

"Cool, we'll see you th-" Archie's sentence was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Betty walked over to the front door to see Veronica standing outside with lots of shopping bags.

"Ok I have everything we need, let's get ready!"

Betty led Veronica to the kitchen to say hi to the boys and then they walked up to Betty's room. While they were getting ready they talked about boys at the party trying to seem more casual than she had lately but Betty was very careful not or mention Jughead, she didn't want to be judged for having sex with her brothers best friend.

Once the girls had finished their makeup Veronica showed her the costumes she had bought. Betty gasped, "Omg V i said NOT too out there!"

"Sorry B but you have to, halloween wouldn't be halloween without girls dressing sexy and guys falling head over heels for us" she answered laughing.

Betty was nervous when she walked down the stairs wearing a red bralette with a tight red miniskirt and high heels that she could barely walk in. She wasn't just nervous about her outfit, she was nervous about her mom seeing her in that outfit, she had covered herself up in a trench coat hoping that her mum wouldn't ask to see her costume.

Betty and Veronica were picked up by Reggie who was dressed as James Bond, they weren't matching but they did look stylish. When they entered his black sports car that he called Bella, he gave Veronica a kiss, and Betty looked away, they were always so gross with each other. It was never just a kiss, they always had to use tongue or Reggie would squeeze Veronica's ass.

She sat quiet the whole way there mentally preparing to be around a bunch of stereotypical teens and trying not to listen to Veronica and Reggie talk. By the time they arrived Betty had hyped herself up to have a good night, even if she couldn't properly spent her halloween with Jughead she was going to hang out with the girls, drink and just have fun.

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