Spacing out

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After about a month Betty and Jughead still hadn't told anyone else, Veronica hadn't admitted anything to Reggie, so there was no reason to brew up a storm. Betty and Jughead just wanted to enjoy their December with their friends. So when Cheryl proposed a little party to welcome the Christmas break for just their group, Betty and Jughead happily agreed.

Sitting in the student lounge Cheryl looked over at Reggie who had his arms wrapped around Veronica, "Reggie?" she asked. "Yup, got the shrooms, Friday's gonna' be sick" "Wait what? Shrooms?" Josie asked, "Awesome" Archie chimed in, Betty grinned at Jughead.

Friday came and the group were getting psyched up for the evening in their last class of the day. Almost all the students sat talking to each other ignoring their teacher at the front of the room. Everybody was too excited about finally getting Christmas break to listen to the boring words their teacher had to say. "Ok I can tell that none of you are listening to me" their professor raised her voice "So I might as well let you go for the next month." The class cheered as they all stood up and made their way to the exit.

Veronica followed Betty home to get ready for the party. Sitting on the bed chatting they heard a knock at the door and it opened. Jughead walked over to Betty and bent down to give her a kiss. "Hey" he said quietly after breaking apart, he turned to Veronica "Archie's in the basement if you wanna' go see him." Veronica stood up and popped over to Archie for a quick catch up.

"So you ready for tonight?" Jughead asked, "Yup, just gotta' get dressed" Betty answered as Jughead sat next to her. "So are you gonna' take any shrooms?" he asked awkwardly "Was planning on it, yeah" she didn't want to add 'Is that okay?' because she felt that she was her own person and that she could do what she wanted, Jughead agreed. "Are you?" she added instead. "Nah, got an early shift tomorrow unfortunately" "Well good, you can just take care of me then" Betty grinned, leaning in for another kiss.

"Jug" Veronica said as she returned, and he got up from the bed to return to the basement.

About an hour later they were all heading to Cheryls in Archie's car. Veronica was about to sit down in the backseat with Betty when Jughead told her to sit in the front. He winked at Archie and sat down with Betty.

Even though Jughead hadn't admitted he knew, Archie had confessed about him and Veronica not soon after Betty found out. He wanted Jughead to hear it from him and no one else he said, not letting on that Betty knew.

Veronica had decided to dress a little more relaxed for her style, which would still be considered too much, to anyone else. She was wearing a short black tennis skirt which she had paired with a tight short sleeve white button up. She had paired the outfit with a cute pair of Mary Janes and a small Louis Vuitton purse. Betty had decided to dress a little extravagant this evening, it was in fact Christmas break and she was going to a party. Betty was waring a flowy white dress that went down to the middle of her thighs, black see through tights and just her normal low Dr.Martens.

These are the outfits the girls were wearing, just to give you a visual

These are the outfits the girls were wearing, just to give you a visual

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