The five seasons

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The weekend drew close and Betty was starting to get excited for it in her last class of the day. She sat quietly surrounded by bored students listening to her professor drone on about who knows. When the bell rang she walked with her friends, breaking off from the group when they got to her house.

She sprawled over the bed when she entered her room, letting the stress of the past week wash over her. After 20 minutes she gained her strength and instructed her speaker "Hey google, play my chills playlist". Swaying her hips to the music she started packing a duffel bag. She was feeling very sensual as she danced to Sour Switchblade by Elita, and her confidence began to build up for the weekend.

In her duffel bag she put the normal things, a toothbrush, some skincare, a bikini in case there was a pool, sleepwear and two changes of clothes. She also packed a red lace bodysuit, grinning to herself imagining Jughead's reaction as she packed it.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing?" her mom asked standing in the doorway. "Oh just packing, I told you I'm staying at Cheryl's for the weekend right?" "Yeah, yeah you did. What will you guys be doing by the way?" she asked casually. "Just normal slumber party things you know, movies, games, music that stuff" "Alcohol?" her mum asked, looking at her sternly. "Mom no, you know I don't do that stuff" she said when the picture of her dancing drunk with jughead not long ago popped into her head "Good. What is this music? It sounds like you're in a strip club?" she asked judgingly. "It's just Elita mom, jeez" Betty felt a little guilty when her mom continued to her own bedroom but shook it off and continued to pack.

When she finished she plopped back onto her bed and heard a signal from her phone. Lifting it up above her face she looked at the notification.

"Can't wait for tonight x I was thinking that I check in early and wait for you about an hour so that if someone sees us they won't see us together" a text from Jughead. "Good idea, Veronica said she's going to be there with Reggie," Betty responded, getting a thumbs up back.

At five o'clock she was heading down stairs to take the bus to the five seasons. She said bye to her mom and asked "Where's Archie?" "Oh he's staying at Jughead's tonight" she responded "Oh ok". Betty walked out confused knowing that Archie was lying because Jughead was obviously going to be with her the whole weekend.

On the bus she wondered what Archie might be doing but assured herself he was probably just going on a date with some girl, planning on spending the night and drying to avoid Alice Cooper's wrath.

Betty entered a dimly lit, golden reception area looking around. Taking her headphones off her head she told the receptionist. "Hi, what room is Jughead Jones staying in?" "Are you in his party?" the middle aged woman behind the desk asked. "Yes I'm his girlfriend" she responded. "Mr Jones is staying in room 307" "Thank you" she said, placing her headphones back on her head and walking towards the elevator pressing the button for the third floor.

She walked down the hall looking at each number and stopping in front of 307. Knocking on the door with a sultry voice she said "Room service". The door opened and she was met by Jughead, wearing his iconic beanie, a pair of sweats and an 'S' t-shirt.

"Hey" he said, bending down to kiss her as she closed the door. "Ugh I can't wait to spend all weekend in my pyjamas" she giggled as she placed her duffel bag on the floor. Jughead laughed asking her "What do you want to do first?" "Is there a TV?" she asked, getting a nod in response. She smiled as Jughead laid down on the bed, switching the TV on and pressing the 'Netflix' button on the remote control. "The office?" he asked and she vigorously nodded her head.

Pulling her jeans down she bent down to her duffel bag and pulled out a pair of shorts. She changed into them as Jughead watched. Flipping through the channels he asked "How was your day?" "It was good,'' she answered, walking over to his bag and ruffling through it. Finding what she was looking for she asked "How was yours?" "Boring'' he said, watching her lift her top off her body and unhook her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She put on the t-shirt she had retrieved from Jughead's bag and climbed into the bed next to him.

"Have you had dinner?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her as she fixed her eyes on the TV "Nope" she responded. "Good, me neither. Lets order room service" Betty giggled "You think we're royalty?" "We sure are princess" he responded.

They ordered room service and as it made its way through the hotel they watched 'The Office' from their bed. Betty paused the TV and sat up looking at Jughead. "Mom said Archie was staying with you tonight" Jughead gave her a confused look "Did he tell you anything?" she asked. Jughead sitting up too, he said "No, nothing" "Huh" she sighed to herself lying back down. "But he's probably just out and didn't want to tell your mom" Jughead said laying down with her "yeah you're probably right" Betty said pressing play again.

Jughead held Betty's hands admiring her new set of nails. "They look great" he said as they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Betty said, getting out of bed and walking over to the door. When she opened it she looked down to see a silver tray with two silver domes over plates, two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

Just as she knelt down to pick it up "Betty?" a voice asked from across the hall. Terrified Betty raised her head to see Veronica stood in a tight black dress and high heels stood by a door. "Betty, what are you doing here?" she asked, confused but also a little uncomfortable. "Oh.. uh..." Betty started, panicking not being able to think of a lie "Our heat broke, so me, mom and Archie are staying here till it gets fixed" she blurted out.

Veronica gave her a weird look raising one eyebrow. "Is that a lie?" she asked. "Pff no, why would I lie about that?" Betty huffed, trying to relax. "Come here" Veronica said, motioning to the armchairs next to Betty's door. Betty turned around giving Jughead a sorry look, he gave her a confused look and shrugged his shoulders. Betty wrapped her hoodie around her and tiptoed across the hall.

Sitting down Veronica asked "Why are you lying?" "How do you even know I'm lying?" she asked. Veronica gave her a look "Ok fine, I haven't been completely honest with you" She started as Veronica sat up straight in her chair. "You can't tell anyone ok?" Betty said "Of course B." "Lately me and... Jughead.. Have kind of.. Been dating" she said looking down at her hands. "B that's amazing!" Veronica exclaimed. Suddenly a weight lifted off her shoulders. If she was with her brother's best friend then it would be okay if Veronica was with her best friend's brother.

"Really?" Betty asked. "Yes! Girl I'm so happy for you" Betty smiled also feeling a weight being lifted from her shoulders.

Veronica's phone started to ring and quickly she silenced it. They continued talking about her and Jughead for a moment when the door that Veronica had stood by, opened. Archie's head popped out "Betty?" he asked, looking at the two sitting across from him. "What are you doing here?"

Betty was confused as realization suddenly spread across her face, she looked from Archie to Veronica, back to Archie and then to Veronica. "Veronica?!" Betty blurted out. Archie quickly closed the door and went back into his room as he understood what was happening.

"B I'm so sorry.." "You and Archie??" she asked. "Yes.. I'm so sorry, I would have told you but.. Reggie.." she trailed off. "V, V it's ok, I promise" Veronica felt ashamed.

"I won't tell anyone" Betty said. "And I won't tell anyone" Veronica answered. "Alright, I should get back to my room, but later we are having a girls night and you are going to tell me everything!" Betty said standing up "You too!" Veronica said, walking towards Archie's door.

When Betty got back to her door she picked up the tray and entered the room. Placing the tray on the bed she sat down thinking over everything that had just happened. "What happened?" Jughead asked. Betty explained everything as they sat on the bed munching their food. Jughead chuckled, "Maybe we don't have to hide this for long after all" he said as Betty straddled him.

"I don't want to think about Archie and Veronica right now... all i want.. is you" she said leaning down to kiss him, Jughead's hands rose up and clung to her back as their tongues started fighting for dominance. 

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