You're mine

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Over the next few weeks Betty and Jughead's feelings grew stronger for each other. They would casually hook up every once in a while when Jughead came over to hang out with Archie. Most often in Betty's bedroom but once in a while in the bathroom or even the kitchen. Betty was getting nervous that someone might one day walk in on them or see the texts they sent one and other, but she couldn't stop. Jughead was so kind and caring and he made her feel so good about herself, not just sensually but mentally. Betty was so happy with him and she didn't want anything to ruin it.

Betty was sat on the couch reading across from Archie who was sat on his phone waiting for Jughead to arrive, Alice was still at work. Betty was deep in her book as the doorbell rang and Archie stood up. Still reading but not taking in a word she heard Jughead enter and slap Archie on the back as they gave each other a one armed hug.

"I brought milkshakes" Jughead said, holding a pops bag up.

Jughead gave Betty a wink as the two of them went through to the kitchen, she grinned to herself.

"Why'd you buy three?" Archie asked.

"Oh, your sister, thought I might be generous haha" Jughead responded. Betty smiled to herself as she heard this.

"Ah, ok so bro I was talking to Valerie and we both agreed you gotta date man!" Archie said, giving Jughead a light punch. Betty stiffened.

"Ah bro I dunno" Jughead said laughing slightly. "I don't know if I can be bothered with a girlfriend," He said awkwardly. Betty felt a surge of annoyance as she heard the words come out of his mouth. 'Couldn't be bothered' she thought to herself. 'Wtf does that mean?'

"Nah man you gotta date, you gotta get laid. Come on, when was the last time you had sex?" Archie asked.


"No excuses, you're not dating anyone, Valeries gonna set you up with a friend of hers"

"Yeah.. you're right I guess"

"You're not dating anyone right?"

"Oh, no" Jughead said abruptly "Nah I'm not" he said trying to act chill. 'Excuse me?' she thought to herself.

"Great, Val'll text you"

Betty was quite annoyed as the guys walked upstairs to Archie's bedroom. She shut her book and stared through the window. An idea popped into her head and she walked upstairs hearing the guys laughing through Archie's door.

"Hey V, why don't we all go out and get dinner at pops?" Betty asked as Veronica answered the phone.

"Sure, sounds great, I'll text the group chat"

"Great" Betty said as she hung up. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her and Jughead ran in the same circles so he would be there too.

She walked over to her dresser and picked out an outfit, and ten minutes later she was sat at her dressing table applying a light layer of makeup in a light purple cropped sweater and a button up jeans skirt.

"Hey you guys coming down to pops?" Betty asked, leaning against the doorframe in an appealing pose.

"Yeah, we were just about to leave," Archie said, pulling on a hoodie. "You want a ride?"

"No I'm ok Kurtz is taking me" Betty smiled. Jughead looked up at her with a confused look on his face.

"Sure you don't want a ride with us?" Jughead asked defensively.

"No I'm good but thanks" Betty said feeling powerful.

Jughead and Archie were stood in the hall as Kurtz knocked on the door and walked in. "Hey sexy, you ready to go" Kurtz said, giving Betty an inappropriate hug "Yup" Betty said picking up her bag from the table.

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